
Naked is Soul Shining

Naked is Soul Shining

Notes from a talk from Ohad Pele :

When we tap into the divine within, our skin radiates 

The flesh of the body is the gospel of the soul 

Looking at a naked person, you can know so much about them, their naked body and skin is shining and expressing everything about who they are – what is the message of the Soul? It radiates out through the flesh. \

Nudity – Nakedness – Naked Truth – The original form

Why do we cover the body? There is a lot of shame….

A disconnection, forgetting who we are and the body is not communicating it, so we cover it. 

The word for clothes in Hebrew comes from betrayal.

Because of the betrayal between the deep trust of body and soul, we feel the need to cover the body – clothes bypass the betrayal and instead communicate the belief system and culture of that person. When a person stands naked we can see their Soul shine through their skin. 

Brain melt

Brain melt

The head injuries are making me feel crazy

Yeah, nobody really knows about it either

The time I snorted white powder to the point of my brain melting – Living with the after effects of it for many years 

The time I had drank absinthe and fell straight back and hit the back of my head really hard on the concrete, I heard something crack and change in my head 

Nobody knows that sometimes I have zero memory of anything – I don’t even know who I am, my name, ethnicity, age…I have moments of not knowing what my life is like, and then I remember slowly again….Sometimes I see my partner enter the room and I think, who is that beautiful man, then slowly after a moment or two Im like oh, he is my partner….

This early am I was reminded of the time I fell and hit my head, and it triggered in me a strong trauma response, so I have been feeling a bit off today…..Doing my best to stay put together. 

Yet even the most normal tasks seem to be intense…….I had a hard time doing my yoga Nidra today, to lay still, as my whole body is shaky and fidgety, I asked my partner to squeeze my body, hold my arms down, to put weight on me….This kinda helped….

Also moving around on the bed like a wild animal, shaking crying….

This is one if the things I experience every now and then, and it’s not easy or fun, yet it’s life. 

My past was a wild one, I still feel it in the body at times and there are certain things that really trigger it and bring it back up, sometimes its even a small thing. 

I do not make it wrong, even though I do judge myself as fucking crazy….like really crazy….but that’s okay too. 

It’s easy to share the fun shiny lovely feelings, yet this feels harder because I do not want pity or concern, I just want to feel that this too can be shared and be brought into the light, as its also a part of life for me. 

I am a functioning human, yet some days I feel I can’t function, and that is okay. All I want is to be held down, weight on me, arms held and legs held down….I think I need two people for this haha. Omg that be so wonderful right about now.