


It’s dark because you are trying too hard.

Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly.

Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.

Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.

So throw away your baggage and go forward.

There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet,

trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair.

That’s why you must walk so lightly.

Lightly my darling,

on tiptoes and no luggage,

not even a sponge bag,

completely unencumbered.

~Aldous Huxley

Leaving Big Island, HI

It is with a bit of sadness I journal today, we are leaving paradise for another paradise, yet as we are getting closer to leaving, I cant help but feel the emotions of sadness and gratitude at the same time. This has been the most amazing place to call home, Big Island will always be home. I have always felt so welcomed and embraced by this island.

When I first arrived 4,5 years ago I went straight to the Hawaii Dhamma farm where I stayed for 4 years. When lava completely covered it, in an instant I had a new home. The people here at this land are so loving and kind, I feel we are such a great match and vibe so well. At 10:30 PM I arrived here shortly after the big earthquake had happened and the lava was still flowing strong in Pahoa. I had no idea it would be my new Sanctuary and home. I came right at the beginning of lychee season so I was blessed with the opportunity to spend lots of time up in the trees. This was so perfect for me because I needed something to stay focused on and keep myself a bit distracted from feeling what a big massive change I had went thru. So I was grateful to stay busy and pick fruits, of course eat a lot too!

The dream came true when the love of my life, my Soul Mate, Wayne, came and joined me here at Ono Gardens. I did not think Wayne would come join me here because the air was so poor from the lava flowing and producing fumes. He did though, and I see this as a incredibly blessed experience, we picked fruits together, made love in our sweet tent residence often, learned a lot about our love and our relationship. I Learned that I trust it and I choose this kind of love.

It has been amazing to live here, the sunrise from bed, the sounds of nature, the cool breeze from Mauna Kea. I really feel so incredibly GRATEFUL! The people here touch my heart so deeply. Brings tears to my eyes to feel their love and sweetness.

We leave for Kauai early AM tomorrow, a new island I have yet to experience fully. I was so young at the time I was there so now the whole experience will be new. Fresh and new. White sandy beaches. Wow.

I feel excited, eager to what is ahead of us. I feel called to create more beautiful videos of nature and the surroundings I am in. It truly is heaven everywhere I go. Because when we are present in the here and now, then we are always experiencing heaven. Heaven is here, when the mind is clear.

What have I learned while being here? 

I have learned the nourishing aspects of sunshine and bare feet on the earth. I have learned that us humans are meant to be outside more with our bare feet. I have learned that if you work a little with mama earth she gives a lot back in return. I have learned how much I love getting sunshine on all parts of my body especially my pussy, butt and chest! I have learned the richness of community, the love of humans. The goodness that lives within each human being no matter how they are seemingly acting, they are good and beautiful inside and I choose to feel their goodness and beauty that I know resides inside them. I have learned to appreciate the simple yet powerful nature that is all around me. I have learned to love myself more by relaxing deeper and taking rest when I am tired. I have learned that life IS perfect. That we are safe to be express and share however we want to.

Big Island, I love you. Mahalo. From the deepest part of me. Thank you.

Day 3 Last Day of Raw blended food !

I have nothing great to say today. I feel amazing. Life is perfect. I am high as a kite ! I keep thinking I gotta say something wise or special. Dude, I got nothing! !!! Haha. I am just here to share that I am love with my body ! Feeling turned on. Soon my blood will flow. Usually I am so low and tired these days before my flow. Now I feel so energized strong and awake. My Digestive system is happy. My mind is clear and I feel like dancing at a rave. A rave where they serve ginger shots and celery juice.

I am Grateful that Wayne is doing these 21 days with me. Really is supportive to have somebody else with you doing the same thing. It feels SO loving and sweet to share this together. Tomorrow we will begin eating raw solid foods again ! I am excited for apples and cucumbers! mmmMmMM!

Something I would like to create, once me and Wayne have a huge big home, is a early 4 AM dance party. Basically the party begins at 4 AM versus 7 PM. This way we are dancing in the rising sunshine.

My kind of dance. What an epic way to start the day.

Oh! This gives me an amazing idea. I will make a playlist now, and tomorrow at 4 or 5 AM I will dance until the sun rises out on the land.  mmMmmM! Gonna have to wear headphones because that is just crazy early for most people living here.  One day I will be at a place where it makes SO much sense and we will all be wide awake and ready to move and dance at that hour. Also do amazing Wim Hof and Ice baths to start the day. With saunas. Hmm. Sweden maybe? Oh life. Thank you for loving me SO SO SO deeply.

I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I love you. I Love you……… I LOVE YOU!

There. I had something great to say after all. 🙂 Me after some Wim Hof and Yoga flow this morning !


Day 2 getting high off Celery, CBD and Cacao

This day has come to an end it seems. It went by fast yet also it feels like it has been many lifetimes. So many different feelings and emotions. What a journey just one day can be ! Right now I will be honest and share I am really feeling the CBD local tincture kick in, also I am so ready for bedtime snuggles. So I am going to keep this short and sweet.

Todays most pleasurable feelings were sexual ones. I got SO aroused by very expressive and brave women showing up online and in real life. I felt so good! You know I just love the feminine beings. Man do I desire to love up on them. I am one of these women that turns me on too. I am so excited on how easily I can get turned on by just some simple breath and movement. Life force energy best kind of fuel.

Food today was super delicious. Liquid day 2 is going great ! The harder parts will be when I am doing just apple juice and distilled water. Coming up soon though. So I will begin mentally preparing my body and mind for no more food.

The one thing I celebrate about today is my progress on my book. Almost finished just some pictures left to take. Some really fun playful sexy pictures that I have imagined to take for so long ! Soon this dream will come true too! All dreams do come true. I’ve learnt that.


DAY 1 Body Loving & Acceptance.

Day 1 Raw Vegan Goddess Transformation

I am feeling really excited and curious how these 21 days will go. I am being mindful to stay present with the process, knowing that right here right now is where I choose to be. In this moment of love. The present moment is so loving when we release our resistance to it.

Now that I have decided to embark upon this 21 day journey of raw vegan transformation I am feeling a new burst of energy and inspiration to share. Not share anything particularly OH WOW or super highly wise! Just share from my human self. Human being sharing her experience. 

I feel called to share more openly about the feelings I have about my body, my struggles that I normally like to hide.

Us women are actually really good at hiding certain parts of our bodies in shame that we are just not beautiful enough. I wanna come out now and share one of my hidings. It is the cellulite on my booty. There I said it. My booty has a bit of cellulite. I feel the first step in making a change is admitting and accepting it. Acknowledging its existence. I also wanna share my insecurity around my skin problems. Many years have I been dealing with it. But it does take many years to actually heal from within, so I am patiently loving myself thru this journey. 

I have not even been wanting to admit that I have cellulite. But I do. I have not been wanting to admit I have skin problems, but I do. 

It is possible to get rid of cellulite with right proper nutrition and exercise. The cellulite comes when I get into the habits of less exercise and movement and more eating huge amounts of yummy vegan cooked foods with lots of fatty things such as coconut meat, avocado and tahini. Also a bunch of yummy vegan restaurant foods such as the Jackfruit tacos ! mmMmmMm! This is also when I break out more. When I eat and mix lots of foods. I have noticed. 

The exercise and movement is crucial for a cellulite free body. Also not overeating on fats. Especially cooked heated up fats. 

I am okay with it sure, the little bit of cellulite. Yet I am also not. I choose to empower myself and do something about it. It begins with loving my WHOLE body head to toe. Seeing the beauty in my cellulite. In each and every part of my body. Love it. So this is not about self hatred and body shaming, yet I will admit I still feel shame sometimes to go to the beach in small underwear, just because I have a judgement towards my cellulite as if it is not beautiful. I have to love the part of me that does not think cellulite is beautiful. I have to love that part of me that feels shame. I love it all. 

The TV shows like Top Model when I was younger did not really give me a healthy view of what beauty is. So I see how I have been influenced by that. The beauty of a women goes so deep. It is the energy she brings, the love she vibrates, the wildness she embodies! I am so Grateful to know true beauty. It goes beyond the form. It is more so an energy and a feeling rather some specific look or body type.

I have met so many beautiful gorgeous women, they had cellulite and all the things that some would say is not beautiful, yet they were the most beautiful women ever! I was blessed by being with them and felt their beauty way deeper the just looks. It was a deep beauty that is energetic. It inspires me. I feel most beautiful when I love my insecurities. Love my “flaws”…

Sharing this with the public is not easy, but I am choosing be vulnerable and share my insecurities and welcome you into the parts I would normally not ever share with anyone. I judge that people would most likely say I am silly or that it is first world problems.

Sure, say what you wanna say about it, it is my feelings. Really I see it is all me anyways. I am the one judging me. The judgmental thoughts create the judgements. Not the other people. It is all me creating it with my thoughts! So here I go stepping out. Showing you a part of me I would rather hide. 

I feel this raw vegan transformation is going to be very helpful in my mindset change. To really align my mind with abundance consciousness! Raw vegan Fitness and exercise will help too! It already is. I am already feeling SO damn good! 

If you are interested in joining this transformation in the future. Let me know. 🙂 You can be apart of it too. This is my first time doing anything like this. I am excited and grateful that some people are joining me in this journey.

Eating only liquids today is honestly hard in some moments. My attraction to chewing is coming up ! My cravings are arising for chewing foods. It is ok. I just observe. I can trust I am nourished and how much I am loving my body by giving it a break from chewing.

I am feeling really amazing in my body. My belly and digestive system feels happy. And I have really eating so much nourishing food today too. This is no starvation 21 days. This is nourishment !

This is a warming up for my 3 day actual fast that is coming up at some point during these 21 days.

So these pictures are taken today, day 1 of 21 days of Plant based living fitness exercise transformation !

Stay tuned for daily updates here on my blog and pictures of my journey. Also, on my homepage for this website, be sure to sign up for the love emails !

Okay. Love yah ! BTW.  Every day I am out on da land shaking and getting some sunshine ! I will take pictures every day to share the process! Just for the fun of it!