
5 Steps to Greater Sex

5 Steps to Greater Sex

Sex. Everyone seems to love or be interested in sex in one way or another. Many people are having sex. Many people are having sex a lot !

But is everyone having great amazing, heart opening, chakra opening, revitalizing sex that truly leaves you nourished and well sex fed afterwards ?

Hmmm. No… Sadly many are having sex and feeling like they just ate some junk fast food. Not really feeling honored loved or respected. Many leave sex feeling unseen and messy. Kinda confused and emotional. Upset and anxious.

Why ? Well, there is something missing. In my opinion, there are 5 essential keys to great powerful nourishing life giving sex.

I could go into all the reasons why people are having such poor sex life. Why many women are feeling harmed by the sex they are engaging in. But honestly, I feel to instead make this post be about the amazing steps we can take Now in order to begin the path towards a greater sex life.

So here we go:

The 5 Steps to Greater Sex: According to bAnandaBliss (Amanda) 😉

Step 1 : Daily Meditation Mindfulness Practice

This step is crucial for amazing sex. Because it will get you connected to who you are beyond your body and your mind. It will connect you to the Universe and to the infinite stream of love and consciousness. It will also show you clearly that who you are having sex with is actually another part of you. Meditation will show you the changing reality of the mind/body. It brings awareness to the ways that we may identify with this changing mind/body as if it is us. When really, thru Meditation we are reminded and shown who and what we eternally are beyond form, beyond mind. In this way our bodies are relived of tensions and worries. We can surrender more and let go more because we have seen that what we are truly is Love. We feel trust in Life and its ability to care for us. We begin seeing that we are okay no matter what happens. We always have the power to choose how we respond. With love and compassion. Meditation cultivates in us patience, kindness, gentleness and compassion. We develop so much compassion because we sit with our own suffering, the mind and body suffering, we sit and observe this suffering of mind/body identification. This ultimately brings Peace. Because we can see how no matter how strong the suffering we are actually totally okay. It is only mind/body identification. We see that so clearly. And we are free.

Now we can begin to embody who we eternally are into our form. So in this way we become better lovers. Creating greater sex ! Go from head and thinking into body and feeling. Feeling the eternal lover that you are.

I recommend for all beings to take time of at some point and sit a ten day silent meditation course. This will greatly support your daily practice of mindfulness meditation. Also get you jump started into your daily practice. even if it is just 20 minutes it will greatly benefit your life.

Also you become far more energetically picky when it comes to choosing your sexual partners. You will naturally desire to engage sexually with people whom live a lifestyle that is healthy and life giving. Versus engaging in destructive addictive behaviors. You will choose to only connect at the root with beings whom emanate peace, love and compassion.

In this way your sex is greater. Because you absorb the energy of peace, love and compassion as you have sex with a peaceful being. And you attract more easily to you, the peaceful beings, as you practice daily meditation and mindful breathing.

Step 2 : Movement and Exercise

Movement and exercise gives you Life energy ! It makes your body more naturally energized and makes all your muscles stronger. Your heart is happy and your immune system stronger. Movement in all forms such as yoga, gymnastics, qigong, cardio, running, shaking, dancing. It’s all greatly going to benefit your sex life when practiced on a regular basis. At least 3 times/week. I would recommend 5 days/week. And on your rest days at least some form of stretching and or gently yoga practice. This keeps your body open, soft, strong and flexible. This makes all sexual activity fun exciting and more playful because you feel strong light and powerful in your body.

Exercise also greatly boosts desire, arousal and satisfaction. It is like a natural viagra for men and women. Exercise increases testosterone levels and blood flow leading to greater sexual function.

A regular movement and exercise practice will greatly boost your self confidence and sexy feelings. In turn making you more connected to your beautiful body and turned on. Resulting in Much Better sex !

Step 3 : Food Choices

The material food and non material food we eat every day are very important to our vital health level. If we eat sugary wheat pastries and big black coffee every day it will have one result versus eating a fruit bowl with homemade granola every day. A man or women that eats lots of processed food as well as eats the food of stress and worry is usually not going to be the best at experiencing great sex. The food we eat every day does have an affect on our mind, body and feeling of connection. One food can either support the feeling of connection and love and the other can reduce the feeling of those things. Its always of course here, we cannot get away from who we really are, yet some food choices supports us in feeling INCREDIBLE and AMAZING. This creates the experience of feeling really aligned with who we are. Because we are amazing and we are incredible. We are SO SO much LOVE ! Some foods are like material love. Others are like irritability or tension. Whole foods. Simple foods. Hydration. Thoughts in alignment with Love Truth and God. Thoughts are also a sort of food that we are consuming. Make sure they are in alignment with You. The food we eat can either assist us in feeling Alive and strong or tired and heavy. It can light up our mind or make us feel foggy. Please be mindful of how you feel when you eat, and prioritize feeling amazing, because you are worth it.

When we are powerful enough to choose wise food choices we automatically get more in tune and connected to our bodies. Making us feel more turned on and in turn creates greater sex. Also the food we eat can either clog us up or cleanse us out. Digestive ease is a big support in having great sex. The fact that we are able to eliminate waste easefully makes sex Great! I personally love raw fresh vegan whole foods. Or powerful raw fatty foods such as cultured nut and seed yoghurts, coconuts and avocados.

If I choose to eat more fruit based high carbs I prefer to eat less fat to support proper digestion. Sugary diets go best with no fat, it helps BIG time for elimination and proper digestion.

If I choose to eat high fat raw vegan I prefer and choose to eat no sugar at all. If anything maybe just a tiny bit. Like 1 banana total a day if any. The reason why is I have seen how fat and sugar don’t mix well in my body. Yes I can do it and I still feel pretty amazing. Yet when I choose one or the other, fat or sugar. That is next level energy and clarity. Both feel really good to me and both support me in feeling at my best. But I have to choose one or the other.

Of course I am not always following this, yet I know that for me to experience greater sex this is one way that supports that to happen. Its already really good eating just anything vegan plant based, but taking it to this level of choosing fat or sugar… yeah, its NEXT level for sure.

Every body is different, yet always eating a whole foods Organic diet I would say is best. More whole foods less processed more fresh vibrant foods with life and nutrients ! Yes and cheers to that for greater sex !

Step 4 : Authenticity, honesty and open communication

Beginning the journey of looking at ourselves, looking and seeing ourselves and our tendencies. Being open and willing to see our conditioning and programming and being willing to accept, love and extend compassion to these parts. Compassion for our humanness. Being honest about our fears, traumas and challenges. When it comes to finding the right partner for great sex, see if you can be authentic honest and open with him/her.

This is a great sign that will indicate if you will have a good sexual experience. Because nothing compares to sex where two people have been able to be real honest and open with one another versus withhold and hide some aspects of oneself out of fear. It is liberating to reveal all to another. This opens us up to more of each other resulting in deeper pleasure and greater sex. Because we have been seen in our challenges and pain. We have been honest and communicated clearly about our sexual desires and sexual past pain and traumas. This creates sex with greater depth, more openness energetically and more space to give and receive this powerful sexual energy and love. This Life force that is Sexual energy.

Step 5: Playfulness and Self loving

Return to innocence ! Realize you can play in the kingdom of Heaven again. Because you are and have always been a child of God. Playfulness is one of the best ingredients to great sex. As adults we may become very serious and overthink things. Get caught up in the illusion of lack and some belief in future fullfillment and completion. Really all we have been looking for is right here. We can relax and enjoy now ! Not later. There is NO later. Just enjoy yourself. Remember to stop and smell the roses. To take time to dance, laugh, play and be silly. If you catch yourself being too serious and concerned about everything, I say check yourself ! Realize the Truth of Love! Yes. Embrace the challenges, the dark. Yet also, be willing to laugh at it all. Because you know what ? Its a BIG cosmic joke ! all of this. Even the deepest pain and suffering. Within my pain and my suffering there is laughter. Because I can remember the Playful essence energy of who I am. At times I get caught up in jealousy and fear of abandonment, in the moment it is the deepest pain I ever experienced ! I feel so overwhelmed by these emotions. Yet, because I Practice self Loving and Know I AM Love. I am somehow, able to move thru these states with peace and ease. Truly being willing to go deep into it, the pain, and love it. Is Powerful. When we do this deep practice. We can go deeply into our childlike free happy self and PLAY! When we allow ourselves to cry scream and express our pain we can allow ourselves to play laugh sing dance and be so super joyous and happy ! A child is playful and free. Because he or she is fully allowing whatever is to be. This way we can return to our natural playful nature. This playful energy is life giving. It makes Sex Great because who does not love to play, nibble and roll around with another naked being while both are receiving so much pleasure love and happy vibrations.

Self Loving is so so crucial. Meaning loving oneself in all these ways iv’e just listed. By meditating, by eating high quality healthy foods, by exercise and movement. By being courageous enough to speak ones truth, to be honest open and communicate what is alive for one self. Self Love is the number one ingredient for great sex. Self love.

To me it looks like having my thoughts and view be in alignment with the view of Love. (Who I eternally am)

To me it looks like honoring the body by consciously and mindfully eating. To me it looks like slowing down and getting into nature. To me Self Love looks like taking time to be in the ocean, taking time to just simply yet powerfully be. Self love is Trusting and knowing that we are the creators of this reality and world. So we stand strong in our embodied Love self and create from the space of who we are. Cannot go wrong when we create and move from Love. From the space of connection to everything and everyone.

I Love you. I am excited for all the great sex you may and may not have. Either way. This is also all really wonderful practices to simply make life a LOT more wonderful and magical. Heaven on Earth.

Photo is by amazing artist Robyn Chance.



True healing is that you can always be in alignment with yourself and always be in Bliss.

Prioritize how You Feel.

Feeling good is your birth right!

Happiness and Joy is your Number one priority.

It is because these states are in alignment with who you really are. The infinite love creator.

You can feel joy and happiness no matter what is happening for you in your moment.

There can be bliss even with the presence of sadness and fear. The reason we feel bliss is because we know who we infinitely are while sadness or fear is present. These states can flow thru.

We always know who we are Now. We are the infinite Bliss. Bliss can be in every moment because we are it.

Gratitude and appreciation for everything in your life right now will bring you into the space of clearly seeing knowing feeling who you are.

You can be aware of ego changing thoughts and be aware of the belief that you are that. The changing.

Awareness is everything. The fact that you are aware of the clinging and identifying with the changing is everything.

It’s so ok. Just remember know who you are. Infinite love. Infinite Love ♥️

There may be the mistake of seeing and thinking you are the body you are aware of. This is a spark of you yes. An extension of you. You move speak act thru this body yet it’s not totally you.

Because you are everything. You are the women and the man. You are just One. I am you. You are me. We are the same energy. Vibrating at different frequencies. 

Pizza Can Love me too!

Pizza Can Love me too!

The Celebrating Feeling when We realize we need not suppress our desires for anything. The feeling that MAN we CAN HAVE IT ALL!! We are really so blessed. 

I will share how I recently began eating much more freely anything I wanted. Eating at any hour of the day. And LOVING IT ! 

I am a Women. I am Wild. I am a free Spirit. I choose to not control myself too much by having restricted eating times or restricted rules on what I can eat. 

All my Life I have been very controlling when it comes to what I eat. Or at least since I was in my early twenties. I Would have so much energy going towards what I eat and when I eat it and I would give all my time and energy to what I was eating! Like Life is all about what we eat. 

My Reality is filled with so much beauty and Bliss, why be stuck on fixating on what I eat ?

Why be stuck on judgments about what food is good for me and what is bad. Why call somethings I eat naughty and some things healthy? 

When we Choose to embark on the path of Self Love we NATURALLY change to eat in a way that is supportive for our health and wellness. We also Know and feel that anything we put into our body no matter what is is will be a blessing for us and it will be good. We eat things and our mind tells us it is a Gift and a Blessing. We eat for Love. We eat from a space of Love when we choose to Love ourselves in each moment. 

Pizza Cannot hurt you! Only the story you have in your mind about what Pizza can do to you is true. So If You strongly believe that Pizza is going to hurt you and make you depressed then of course that will be so. 

I have come to see that Pizza can Love me ! Really Love me when I really Really Love myself and eat it from a space of pure love and acceptance. 

All my Life especially since going Raw Vegan I became a bit overly obsessive about food. Never really actually coming to a place of Peace with it. 

Now. Choosing Self Love, Nurturing and Intuitive eating. I can say it’s so damn Peaceful and not even any fuss at all. Naturally I eat Whole Foods Plant Based Vegan when I Love myself. Naturally I choose that as I am happy ! Or Its every now and then a Vegan Pizza ! Haha 🙂 

Or some cultured cashew cheese created by my very talented brother ! Vegan cheese master i would say ! Either way, No matter what. There will be Love and acceptance and a feeling that I am Loving Myself Now. I am Loving Myself Now. I am ALWAYS BEING LOVED BY EVERY THING. No more food police! Just Celebrating freedom From self judgements ! 

When I throw away all the stories, all the beliefs, all the thoughts about anything. Then whatever I choose to do will be a wonderful experience for me. I will be Nurtured in one way or another by anything I do. 

It’s all in the mind. It’s all in the mind. It’s all in the mind. Look at your mind. What is it saying about what you are doing ? Is it creating disharmony or more harmony ? 

I Pray you are able to observe and watch the mind. So you can come to a space of feeling peace by either letting all that shit go or begin thinking thoughts that are of Love. Like everything I experience and ever will experience is LOVING me. 

I am Loved In all Ways every moment by existence. I am Blessed By the Breath, By the Body, By the Mind. It’s all a blessing.

One thing I have learned after 29 years of living is that our beliefs, stories and thoughts about reality are sometimes no where near actual ecstatic LOVING BLISSFUL reality. 

SO Thank You To awareness and Freedom to see. A little more, about the powerful being that we all are ! 

Dream into reality Party!

Dream into reality Party!

The dream. The reality.  I love it. All men and woman are strong, healthy and thriving. We are sexy ripped and glowing. Touching massaging loving one another from head to toe ! We are all connected to our eternal Source of Infinite Love.

We are all oiled up with the purest coconut oil dancing naked in the sunshine on top of a Hill overlooking the ocean. There is a big waterfall on our right that we all swim in whenever we are getting to hot and need a cool down. There is a great DJ here playing euphoric heart opening beats and tunes. 

Our cells are buzzing with bliss and our eyes are wide open to the beauty of life all around us. 

We Smile we kiss we eye gaze. We Dance around the land feeling light on our feet and excited like children. We are enjoying the abundant Raw Vegan Food bar that is set up in the big spacious greenhouse.

There, there is a big table. The table is filled with Raw Vegan CBD protein bars. 3 Beautiful muscular glowing shining men are standing by this beautiful table with the biggest smiles you have ever seen. Also the sweetest gaze you’ve ever seen. They are standing by this table, sharing the amazing benefits they have received from going vegan and choosing these protein bars over any other.

They are getting people signed up for the monthly CBD Cacao Protein bar subscriptions. Where people sign up and pay to be on the monthly list to receive 30 Protein Bars every month. Basically making it possible for people to enjoy one Raw Vegan CBD Cacao Protein bar a day. 

So far there is already 444 people signed up for this monthly subscription. People all over the world are enjoying Getting toned fit ripped and energized with the support of these amazing CBD Protein bars plus the monthly Motivational newsletter, fitness video and health inspired talk by someone from the company. Also the amazing monthly recipes. 

This blissful high vibe party is all to celebrate the success of the Raw Vegan CBD protein bars. And the success of so many human beings thriving from going vegan plant based. Choosing the lifestyle of Love and Compassion above all. 

This is a love tribe party where all are accepted and received in their unique essence. All are divinely connected and experiencing oneness. Living in Community Blasting the Vibrations of Love and Bliss out into the world. 

The founder, of the Raw Vegan CBD Cacao Protein Bars, Amanda Blank, is so excited, so humbled, so honored, to be standing on a field surrounded by all these amazing human beings. Whom are all shining and glowing living their Divine Purpose. 

With Gratitude, she sits. Naked by the waterfall. Dissolving into the sound of the running water. She is experiencing herself as everything in this Universe. Not limited to her flesh body. But literally all of it…She is the waterfall, she is the sky, she is the sexy men, the sexy powerful women. She is the child, she is the woman. She is no more limited to the one symbol of her body. She is everything. She always has been. ……

Beauty. Life. Death. Freedom. Creativity.  YES. 

Yes. Allow it. Live it. Gift the world aka yourself this Gift of you sharing your unique offering. 

I am not one thing. ….therefore I am everything. 

Abundance. Gratitude. Appreciation. Freedom to Express and share. 


The birth of the Weekly Vegan Meals idea

The birth of the Weekly Vegan Meals idea

I am a vegan of 5 years. Veganism has been in my family for a long time. 

I became vegan after going to the Woodstock Fruit festival. Thank God for that festival. Highly recommend it for anyone interested in seeing 75 year olds acting and living as energized as a teenager ! Also super sexy beautiful human beings of all ages having the time of their lives getting high of fruits sunshine and love ! 

I cannot believe how long I was living as a non vegan. I was vegetarian. Thought I was health conscious. Now I’m shocked at the idea of considering what I ate before as healthy. Cheese, yoghurt, fish and eggs. Thank God for psilocybin mushrooms for showing me that if I cannot kill the fish myself I have no right to have someone else do it for me. In my heart I could never kill a fish. Its a living earthling that wants to continue breathing. I prefer not to interfere with any living beings life just so I could eat it.

Especially when there is a whole plant kingdom that is here. Sunshine food is here ! We can eat it and Thrive and Shine ! Earthy greens and vegetables, airy light fruits. Its Heaven food. Creates heaven environment from within. Sunshine Love food! This is what can Truly make you feel Alive ! 

Remove death, dead flesh from fearful suffering animals. Remove that from your diet. I promise, your heart will Smile. This is my experience, I went from being depressed and dark to blissful and living in the heavenly realms! Not everyone can meet me there. Thats okay. The ones I really wanna connect with do 😉 Even when darkness comes I trust and know I am Light. Always. Because I eat sunlight food. Everyday. I desire to share this food with you. With human beings. 

My mama has been amazing at sharing this kind of food with the people for a very long time. I had the pleasure of working with her in our vegan/vegetarian restaurant in Northern Sweden called Down to Earth. It was a family business. I worked there as well as my mama and stepdad. My grandma and her coworkers would come for lunch everyday. The little town of Northern Sweden got blessed by this place. Lunch buffe and at times dinner service. My mama made everything from scratch. The most amazing baguettes and amazing food. World food. All Vegan. She made Indian, mexican, thai, sushi pizza lasagna. Amazing Chocolate cake made with potato instead of egg. Super moist and so rich! 

My mother introduced me to Raw vegan desserts, cakes and pies. I always felt it was a mystery. Never really understood how she did it. Just really really enjoyed eating them. Felt so nourishing and rich. 

The day I got to see her make it step by step I got it. The mystery was solved and I now knew I could do it too ! I started creating and playing in the kitchen. With many flavors and colors. I Loved the process of creating raw Vegan desserts. It was my biggest joy to have the house all to myself and make the most beautiful cacao treats, cakes and pies. All while drinking a Tulsi Chai with Vanilla hemp milk. Oh how I remember those days. 

Also the cooking and preparing meals with my mother, big HUGE salads for dinner. With the most amazing nut based dressings. So creamy and satisfying.  Preparing vegan nurturing meals have been in my life for a long time. I have catered to weekend retreats and private parties. I make vegan meals for my family whenever I am in my hometown. I most recently prepared a vegan Thai curry for my partners grandma in Palm Springs. She really enjoyed it. Its so much fun introducing vegan meals to people who have never had it. To people who eat meat most days because its what they grew up with. I love showing the possibility that you can get all your needs met and taste pleasure met with vegan food. 

Sometimes people ask me if my love for cooking and creating in the kitchen comes from my moms love for it. And because I worked with her. In some ways yes. I got to experience the soothing nurturing love energy from her being in the kitchen, preparing our family home made meals almost every night. We would always sit and share meals together. As the family we were. 

I certainly love creating that feeling of being nurtured for others. I love to nurture others by sharing health conscious delicious foods. 

I used to struggle with alcohol addiction, pretty heavily so until nearly leaving this body. I remember how important it was for my healing to eat a plant based vegan diet. How important part of the healing it was for me to prepare my own meals using whole foods. It felt as though it was my new practice of self love. This was very important for healing my trust in myself and that I could take care of myself. Because for so long I had harmed my body with alcohol. The practice of feeling my body and tuning into what it really wanted in a deeper sense was beautiful. It wanted sunlight. In all ways but especially sunlight food. The kind of food that was colorful and bright. Like fruits, greens, root vegetables. I wanted to eat sunlight ! 

And sunlight food I been eating ever since. A balanced vegan diet. Whole foods. Lots and lots of whole foods. Lentils, quinoa, beans, pumpkins, sweet potato, potatoes, fruits, greens and vegetables ! Also amazing powerful nuts and seeds. 

While living in Hawaii I feel so blessed to be able to eat mostly local food. Local sweet potato, ulu, pumpkin, cassava, bananas, papayas and so many vegetables. And of course, the coconuts ! The water of coconuts and the meat! So incredibly nourishing. 

I prepare food almost every day for me and my partner. Because I love too. 

So yesterday I realized, I wanna share this! With more people !  I have shared it many times before in many different ways. I’ve catered food for retreats, ceremonies and parties. Also for individual people. This is a service I love providing. 

So I realize the best way at this time to share anything is thru the internet.  Using the markets as a way to advertise what I share and provide thru my website. I Love doing the markets, but now they are more a place I go to for the fun of socializing and for the fun of informing people of what I do in a bigger scale online. 

My main focus with this Weekly Vegan Meals is to share and support human beings who want to treat themselves to amazing home cooked meals. Get it delivered to their door and provide a service that is truly going to nurture another human being from the inside out. 

Also I wanna create an experience of pleasure by also sharing some Raw Vegan Desserts in the weekly meals. I see this as a way to love others. To share my Gift and Joy of sharing natural foods with people. Tasty satisfying and nutritious. 

I am feeling aligned in the idea of delivering the food in beautiful glass mason jars. This way they can be given back to me for future orders.  This way we reuse. This feels so good. 

I see this Vegan weekly meal as a beautiful gift. You can gift yourself or a loved one. I know I would absolutely love to receive something like this myself. Thats why I offer it to you. I love you. Happy day to you my friend.