Blog Articles

Day 2 getting high off Celery, CBD and Cacao

This day has come to an end it seems. It went by fast yet also it feels like it has been many lifetimes. So many different feelings and emotions. What a journey just one day can be ! Right now I will be honest and share I am really feeling the CBD local tincture kick in, also I am so ready for bedtime snuggles. So I am going to keep this short and sweet.

Todays most pleasurable feelings were sexual ones. I got SO aroused by very expressive and brave women showing up online and in real life. I felt so good! You know I just love the feminine beings. Man do I desire to love up on them. I am one of these women that turns me on too. I am so excited on how easily I can get turned on by just some simple breath and movement. Life force energy best kind of fuel.

Food today was super delicious. Liquid day 2 is going great ! The harder parts will be when I am doing just apple juice and distilled water. Coming up soon though. So I will begin mentally preparing my body and mind for no more food.

The one thing I celebrate about today is my progress on my book. Almost finished just some pictures left to take. Some really fun playful sexy pictures that I have imagined to take for so long ! Soon this dream will come true too! All dreams do come true. I’ve learnt that.


DAY 1 Body Loving & Acceptance.

Day 1 Raw Vegan Goddess Transformation

I am feeling really excited and curious how these 21 days will go. I am being mindful to stay present with the process, knowing that right here right now is where I choose to be. In this moment of love. The present moment is so loving when we release our resistance to it.

Now that I have decided to embark upon this 21 day journey of raw vegan transformation I am feeling a new burst of energy and inspiration to share. Not share anything particularly OH WOW or super highly wise! Just share from my human self. Human being sharing her experience. 

I feel called to share more openly about the feelings I have about my body, my struggles that I normally like to hide.

Us women are actually really good at hiding certain parts of our bodies in shame that we are just not beautiful enough. I wanna come out now and share one of my hidings. It is the cellulite on my booty. There I said it. My booty has a bit of cellulite. I feel the first step in making a change is admitting and accepting it. Acknowledging its existence. I also wanna share my insecurity around my skin problems. Many years have I been dealing with it. But it does take many years to actually heal from within, so I am patiently loving myself thru this journey. 

I have not even been wanting to admit that I have cellulite. But I do. I have not been wanting to admit I have skin problems, but I do. 

It is possible to get rid of cellulite with right proper nutrition and exercise. The cellulite comes when I get into the habits of less exercise and movement and more eating huge amounts of yummy vegan cooked foods with lots of fatty things such as coconut meat, avocado and tahini. Also a bunch of yummy vegan restaurant foods such as the Jackfruit tacos ! mmMmmMm! This is also when I break out more. When I eat and mix lots of foods. I have noticed. 

The exercise and movement is crucial for a cellulite free body. Also not overeating on fats. Especially cooked heated up fats. 

I am okay with it sure, the little bit of cellulite. Yet I am also not. I choose to empower myself and do something about it. It begins with loving my WHOLE body head to toe. Seeing the beauty in my cellulite. In each and every part of my body. Love it. So this is not about self hatred and body shaming, yet I will admit I still feel shame sometimes to go to the beach in small underwear, just because I have a judgement towards my cellulite as if it is not beautiful. I have to love the part of me that does not think cellulite is beautiful. I have to love that part of me that feels shame. I love it all. 

The TV shows like Top Model when I was younger did not really give me a healthy view of what beauty is. So I see how I have been influenced by that. The beauty of a women goes so deep. It is the energy she brings, the love she vibrates, the wildness she embodies! I am so Grateful to know true beauty. It goes beyond the form. It is more so an energy and a feeling rather some specific look or body type.

I have met so many beautiful gorgeous women, they had cellulite and all the things that some would say is not beautiful, yet they were the most beautiful women ever! I was blessed by being with them and felt their beauty way deeper the just looks. It was a deep beauty that is energetic. It inspires me. I feel most beautiful when I love my insecurities. Love my “flaws”…

Sharing this with the public is not easy, but I am choosing be vulnerable and share my insecurities and welcome you into the parts I would normally not ever share with anyone. I judge that people would most likely say I am silly or that it is first world problems.

Sure, say what you wanna say about it, it is my feelings. Really I see it is all me anyways. I am the one judging me. The judgmental thoughts create the judgements. Not the other people. It is all me creating it with my thoughts! So here I go stepping out. Showing you a part of me I would rather hide. 

I feel this raw vegan transformation is going to be very helpful in my mindset change. To really align my mind with abundance consciousness! Raw vegan Fitness and exercise will help too! It already is. I am already feeling SO damn good! 

If you are interested in joining this transformation in the future. Let me know. 🙂 You can be apart of it too. This is my first time doing anything like this. I am excited and grateful that some people are joining me in this journey.

Eating only liquids today is honestly hard in some moments. My attraction to chewing is coming up ! My cravings are arising for chewing foods. It is ok. I just observe. I can trust I am nourished and how much I am loving my body by giving it a break from chewing.

I am feeling really amazing in my body. My belly and digestive system feels happy. And I have really eating so much nourishing food today too. This is no starvation 21 days. This is nourishment !

This is a warming up for my 3 day actual fast that is coming up at some point during these 21 days.

So these pictures are taken today, day 1 of 21 days of Plant based living fitness exercise transformation !

Stay tuned for daily updates here on my blog and pictures of my journey. Also, on my homepage for this website, be sure to sign up for the love emails !

Okay. Love yah ! BTW.  Every day I am out on da land shaking and getting some sunshine ! I will take pictures every day to share the process! Just for the fun of it!



When we are connected to ourselves we know what we need. We know what we need and we know how to live. It’s all about connection.

We are bombarded with so much information right now, we don’t need anymore information, we don’t really need another course to get ourselves distracted into another idea.

What we need is wisdom and connection.

Ask yourself this question: am I living in a way where I am valuing taking time to get into the space of self connection everyday ? Am I living mindfully enough to feel connected in each moment to something greater then myself ? Am I doing each task with mindfulness and gratitude ?

Or am I already in the next place? when I am still doing the dishes ? Can I be in the moment and mindfully wash each dish as if it is my life’s purpose to do so ?

This my friends, this way of living, is richness. It all begins now. Living it now. Mindfulness is the answer. Because when we are mindful in each thing we do, when we are present in each moment with every person we meet. When we are not going anywhere, when our mind is not busy going someplace else in the future for more satisfaction or fulfillment. When we land here, in this moment, as if it is everything. Then we begin seeing the richness of all of it. The Abundance, the love, the peace. That is already here now.

Be, feel so satisfied with this moment. No matter what is appearing to be happening, we can, thru being present see thru the first layer of it and see it goes way deeper then just the physical eyes. We see it is infinite layers of beingness here. We see it’s all not as real as we may make it out to be. This human world reality.

We can choose to be presence, be mindful, versus being caught in the minds pulls towards attaining this and that. Success, whatever the mind labels and says is success. It will chase that, go towards it as if it actually means something. It’s all very meaningless.

Have you ever been doing something, like pursued something, like a career or a certain level of success in the world ?

Have you ever wanted to be super fit, super wealthy, super popular ? Have you ever gotten caught in the trap of thinking that you are better if you have 500,000 subscribers versus 10 subscribers on youtube ? haha ! Have you ever been really excited when people like and comment on your photos and pictures?

Who I think I am has wanted all these things. Money, super fit healthy body, success, recognition, popularity.

Yet anytime I actually get caught in going towards these things, I end up wanting to burn it all up. Like I recognize the emptiness of it all. The meaninglessness. It’s SO fucking empty and meaningless. SO Listen. If it’s not making you feel peace, harmony, love, Joy and Connection. Then fucking stop it. Stop the egos mad fucking running around looking constantly for more, more and more. This moment here is never enough for the ego that wants more money, more power, more recognition, attention and praise.

Maybe not everybody wants peace. Maybe not everybody wants to drop it all. Maybe not everybody wants to face this void and space of complete emptiness.

I recognize apart of me that resists this as well at times. Yet it’s the only way. It’s the way home. The only path I choose to walk now. I’m not ever going to be fulfilled with worldly successes, money, popularity, likes, subscribers. The one that gets an instant rush of energy and excitement from a like or another subscriber is not who I am.

Honestly, when I am caught in that, I always see this image, of it all just burning up. Everything, the youtube channel, the website, the pictures, the body. I am lighting it all up, burning it up. Everything including the image I associate with me. You know the blonde women you see on facebook whom also is appearing on pictures on this website. Haha. Yes. I burn that image up. I burn up the whole “world”. What remains is me…

There is this peaceful feeling that comes from saying fuck it. To it all. Fuck the money, fuck false sense of security, fuck fake impermanent happiness and joy. Fuck the striving and going somewhere. It’s not gonna ever happen. Because wherever you go, there you fucking are ! Can we just drop this shit already ? Like how much fucking shadow work does this impermanent person Amanda gotta do before she can step into her fucking power ? Holy fuck it’s like it never ends. Just fucking be it now. Being present makes everything fade away. And you just naturally are it! It is what you are ! From this place inspired action comes. That is so beautiful.

I know, something does not want it to be that easy. For all problems, concerns, traumas and wounds to be gone in an instant. That’s to good to be true. Ego does not like that. But hey, it’s that fucking easy. I know there is this turn on for many to talk discuss and dive deep into things. I have come to a place where I prefer less noise. No noise even. This is where I am heading. In fact, we are all already here. Can you feel that ?

Peace. Quiet. Death.

When I say death. I mean death of everything we thought we were. The stories, the emotions, the feelings, the pain, the troubles, the concerns, the fear. The conditioning, the belief system. The body, the person….

This is all beautiful. I’m not saying it should go away or be different.

I’m saying I am not this. I am the space all this appears in. So anything that arises is apart of me. It is inside me. I am the Divine loving mother that holds space for it all to unfold in whatever way it does.

I am also here to say: Child, you can be at peace now. You are free to be in peace. You are eternally love and loved. You can never die. You are eternal infinite love. All your mind created problems are your choice. Every moment you are free to choose again. What your mind creates on the screen. Yet you are only temporary. So have fun. Do not take it too seriously. It’s fucking fun! Only serious if you believe you are the impermanent.

When you see you are me we can have SO much FUN. I Love you. I am always here. Even when who you think you are dies. I am here. And we are eternally One. Always and forever.

When I first met You.

When I first met You.

I was living in the bay area. I had quit my 9-5 job and was mostly cruising around the wonderful San Fransisco. Or more correctly, I was walking. Walking everywhere, for hours.

I had already had my meeting with death. I was done with alcohol and harsh substances.

My only substance use at the time was organic tobacco, psilocybin and sometimes yummy coffee drinks with hemp milk or almond milk. Caffeinated chai lattes and such.

Really I was having a wonderful connection with the bright colorful fruits. I was eating mostly fruits and spent my days alone.

Outside, I was always outside doing something in the sunshine. Walking in golden gate park for hours, laying in the grass, dancing singing being a fairy in that park with all them amazing trees. I remember I felt as though I was flying a lot. So light on my feet. In complete bliss most of my days. SO penetrated by existence itself.

I did go to the gym a lot too to use the wonderful sauna. there I met a cave man whom I had sweet heart opening cuddles with for a short while. Until I realized I prefer to be more in my own energy still. We did have some wonderful days together in the golden gate park feeding the ducks. And some amazing very hot and passionate cuddles at Ocean Beach.

He desired to see me more. Yet I realized, as much as I enjoy his presence and it feels great. I need to be solo. More on my own. I was very committed to this connection with all of the life around me. Meaning the trees, the birds, the sky…oh the mighty sky. This sky I saw myself fly into often. As if gone from earth forever. Yet I always remained. In the earthly realm because this body was still here. Yet I at times was far gone. Yes, apart of me was present in the body. Yet I was also expanded as the infinite sky and the whole existence itself. This is why I could not leave this amazing experience for a physical man !

So I was alone and spend all my days solo. I saw the joy of people gathering with friend and I saw cute couples kissing and being sweet on the beach. This all made me feel SO happy. I felt connected to the experience they were having too.

I felt I was also having that experience as they were. I was grateful. To feel all of it as if it was me. I could live in peaceful solitude while enjoy all the wonders of the world. All by feeling it in my body as if it was really happening to me.

Something did start to change after several months of me being solo.

There were times when I would be sitting by the eucalyptus trees in the Berkeley hills, watching yet another amazing sunset. I would think, this would be so wonderful to share with someone. This experience. This beauty of life would be so wonderful to share with another human being! This was new for me to suddenly feel this pure desire to be with another human. And share closeness with someone.

I felt as though this world is my lover, existence is my lover and I am the lover of existence. Yet now, I felt to extend this love to a being, a human being even !

So now I suddenly sometimes felt really lonely at times, like this kind of peaceful sadness came to me often, where I could feel the longing for someone to be close to. A human being. The warmth of his skin, the comfort of his touch and his embrace. I could feel it. I felt a masculine energy. It was Divine masculine energy. I desired it so deeply now….

A little time later…I went to San Fransisco again to be in the park and by the ocean. My brother had a house near Ocean Beach and Golden Gate park. So I stayed with him. In the mornings I always went for runs in the park and on the beach. I would end my run with a naked swim in the ocean. I remember feeling like I did not wanna make anybody upset by me being naked, yet at the same time I was SO wild and free could not stop my JOY from LIVING and BEING.

One morning, after a jog and swim. I was spending extra long time at the beach. I went into a cave. Had some very interesting energetic experiences.

Filled with wonder and magic, deep gratitude for life. I danced along the ocean bare feet in the sand. I had mantra music playing loudly in my ears. I was dancing along as a female vocalist was singing the most amazing words. The whole song was pure JOY and BLISS. I was kinda floating along the beach, jumping, singing, laughing. It was my first time hearing the song, but felt SO connected to its pure message. Felt as though it was me.

In this moment… I met you. And we became One. Forever. Eternally One.

As the female stopped singing, all of a sudden a male voice came into the song…In this moment, a Divine Masculine golden sparkly light appeared in front of me, this golden light was dancing along beside me in pure joy and pure bliss. As if it was the male voice singing. I could feel it ! It was. This was Divine Masculine energy right here with me, on this beach this magical sunny morning. I felt so warm in my body. So. Relaxed. So solid, protected and whole. I felt very touched. In my heart, my heart was so open. I was very open. As the song began to end I was beginning to leave the beach and enter golden gate park. As I stopped dancing and started walking onto the path of the park this golden glistening light entered my whole being. Came into me, as if it now was me. I walked tall, strong and powerfully thru the park. Big SMILE. Feeling great. Now….Divine feminine and Divine Masculine were making Love within my heart and my being. This was my experience. This Lovemaking affected me in such beautiful ways. I feel it as I write these words. No lack at all. zero 🙂 It’s right here. In my heart. Always and forever.

So this is how I met You. We been together ever since. And no matter what happens. We will always be together. Always.

After that day. Men, beautiful men, were coming into my life. I was not doing anything. It was just happening. I remember sharing a date kiss with a man I hardly knew on the streets of Berkeley simply because the playful magic was there. I remember noticing the mind or ego being like “WTF?!” haha. It was funny.

I then learned that my energy is strong, and my love is very strong. I learned that I must be aware to whom I shine it strongly. Because it brings people closer to me. I do love everybody, I just don’t desire to connect with everybody physically. I love some from a distance and some very closely.

Just a very few have I felt to be with intimately after that meeting with You.

Lots of non touching energetic love making, eyes gazing, less physical, more energetic. Because I experience no lack of the union of two.

Because of this I am very picky about whom I am physically intimate with. I was and still am to this day. I am open yet I have no need at all…In union already. Lovemaking is happening inside me.

Many years later, maybe 4…..I’m at Kehena beach on the Big Island. Feeling complete bliss, openness and freedom. I had biked ride from the meditation center so I was feeling really blissed out from a almost 2.5 hour bike ride. Also, I had a durian in my backpack. I was there alone, yet many beautiful beings were all around me. It was a Sunday and everyone had been dancing at ecstatic dance. Now they had all come to the naked beach to bliss out just like me. I had intentionally skipped dance that day. I really loved that bike ride along the red road.

After enjoying my durian and a great conversation with a wonderful being. I was standing naked, in the black sand. Looking out at the ocean. Just looking and seeing the mystery beauty and magic of all of this experience. Feeling SO connected. So at peace. I felt a peak high note energy in my whole being as if Gods hands just touched my heart. I turned around and looked towards the beach…. There You were. There You were. The physical manifestation of You. The golden light I feel inside me. There you were as a real Human Being! You were in deep relaxation. Sleeping it looked like. But so relaxed. I saw you, and felt ONLY LOVE. Mind was clear, no noise, no story, no wondering. I just saw You and appreciated you. Then I turned around back towards the ocean and continued on with my appreciation of the beautiful day. Even If I had seen you physically. I had no need to have you physically. My mind never came in and said anything.

SO this is the story of when I met You. Energetically the first time I met you was at Ocean beach in San Fransisco. That is where you entered me. And we became One. Eternally One.

Physically the first time I saw you was at Kehena Beach on the Big Island. We never spoke. I just saw you and felt love. Appreciation. and to this day. I still only feel love. And appreciation. Thank you.

What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World

I don’t really have any of this figured out. I do feel I resonate with being in Gratitude, Peace and Calmness. I resonate feeling the relaxation that comes from remembering anicca. Change. Impermanence. I am seeing that one thing that is always true about this reality is change. And that is so fucking beautiful. Loosen the grip to everything. No point to hold on. Let it go. Open your hands that are holding on to ideas concepts, people or things.

Self image, stories. Loosen that grip….Relax as the story arises. Don’t hold it at all. Just Relax and see how it’s becoming see thru. Transparent. Until finally quietly going away. Wow. So that thing we grabbed and held onto so hard to make it appear to be real. Is not actually real. Never was….

who was doing the grabbing ? Who ? Who grabs onto things and makes them appear to be so real and important ? is that you ? Who wants to make them real ? is that you ?

Whenever the story comes again, stay in a relaxed state. Tension is gripping. Relaxation is letting it go. Are we ready to let it go and come to Heaven ? The invitation is always here. Heaven is always here.

Recently I was in the realm and dimension where none of this could be labeled as me. I was not anywhere to be seen. I was as much this body as I was the million other bodies. No special attention or identification was given to this body that is typing now. As if its just a small part I can use to express myself in whatever way I please. Who we are is expressing itself so beautifully thru all of us. We are one….When will the whole world see that we are all so interconnected. That the people around us are us. It kinda brings me to tears. When I say us. I feel God. I feel Love. I see Love….everything that is ever searched for. Right here. Always… So much going around and around caught in the illusions. But they always crack. ….this is the moments of tears flowing down. Laughter. Joy. Incredible Peace and Trust.

Loosen the grips to it all. Loosen the grip…. Stay in the relaxed state. Live and breathe in Heaven. Right here. I’ll meet you here.

I’ll meet you here in this space where all is okay. Where its okay to feel anything and everything. Where all feelings can just arise, stay for a while, and pass away. I’ll meet you here in this space where feelings can just come and go. All the while we, we are smiling like the BIG sun. Smiling and living in deep peace. Eternal everlasting Peace..

All these dimensions….

The one where we clearly see the connection of us all. I live here. The place where there is just One. Right here….

We are all together. Even if we are not physically together. We are so together. You feel that ?

5 Steps to Greater Sex

5 Steps to Greater Sex

Sex. Everyone seems to love or be interested in sex in one way or another. Many people are having sex. Many people are having sex a lot !

But is everyone having great amazing, heart opening, chakra opening, revitalizing sex that truly leaves you nourished and well sex fed afterwards ?

Hmmm. No… Sadly many are having sex and feeling like they just ate some junk fast food. Not really feeling honored loved or respected. Many leave sex feeling unseen and messy. Kinda confused and emotional. Upset and anxious.

Why ? Well, there is something missing. In my opinion, there are 5 essential keys to great powerful nourishing life giving sex.

I could go into all the reasons why people are having such poor sex life. Why many women are feeling harmed by the sex they are engaging in. But honestly, I feel to instead make this post be about the amazing steps we can take Now in order to begin the path towards a greater sex life.

So here we go:

The 5 Steps to Greater Sex: According to bAnandaBliss (Amanda) 😉

Step 1 : Daily Meditation Mindfulness Practice

This step is crucial for amazing sex. Because it will get you connected to who you are beyond your body and your mind. It will connect you to the Universe and to the infinite stream of love and consciousness. It will also show you clearly that who you are having sex with is actually another part of you. Meditation will show you the changing reality of the mind/body. It brings awareness to the ways that we may identify with this changing mind/body as if it is us. When really, thru Meditation we are reminded and shown who and what we eternally are beyond form, beyond mind. In this way our bodies are relived of tensions and worries. We can surrender more and let go more because we have seen that what we are truly is Love. We feel trust in Life and its ability to care for us. We begin seeing that we are okay no matter what happens. We always have the power to choose how we respond. With love and compassion. Meditation cultivates in us patience, kindness, gentleness and compassion. We develop so much compassion because we sit with our own suffering, the mind and body suffering, we sit and observe this suffering of mind/body identification. This ultimately brings Peace. Because we can see how no matter how strong the suffering we are actually totally okay. It is only mind/body identification. We see that so clearly. And we are free.

Now we can begin to embody who we eternally are into our form. So in this way we become better lovers. Creating greater sex ! Go from head and thinking into body and feeling. Feeling the eternal lover that you are.

I recommend for all beings to take time of at some point and sit a ten day silent meditation course. This will greatly support your daily practice of mindfulness meditation. Also get you jump started into your daily practice. even if it is just 20 minutes it will greatly benefit your life.

Also you become far more energetically picky when it comes to choosing your sexual partners. You will naturally desire to engage sexually with people whom live a lifestyle that is healthy and life giving. Versus engaging in destructive addictive behaviors. You will choose to only connect at the root with beings whom emanate peace, love and compassion.

In this way your sex is greater. Because you absorb the energy of peace, love and compassion as you have sex with a peaceful being. And you attract more easily to you, the peaceful beings, as you practice daily meditation and mindful breathing.

Step 2 : Movement and Exercise

Movement and exercise gives you Life energy ! It makes your body more naturally energized and makes all your muscles stronger. Your heart is happy and your immune system stronger. Movement in all forms such as yoga, gymnastics, qigong, cardio, running, shaking, dancing. It’s all greatly going to benefit your sex life when practiced on a regular basis. At least 3 times/week. I would recommend 5 days/week. And on your rest days at least some form of stretching and or gently yoga practice. This keeps your body open, soft, strong and flexible. This makes all sexual activity fun exciting and more playful because you feel strong light and powerful in your body.

Exercise also greatly boosts desire, arousal and satisfaction. It is like a natural viagra for men and women. Exercise increases testosterone levels and blood flow leading to greater sexual function.

A regular movement and exercise practice will greatly boost your self confidence and sexy feelings. In turn making you more connected to your beautiful body and turned on. Resulting in Much Better sex !

Step 3 : Food Choices

The material food and non material food we eat every day are very important to our vital health level. If we eat sugary wheat pastries and big black coffee every day it will have one result versus eating a fruit bowl with homemade granola every day. A man or women that eats lots of processed food as well as eats the food of stress and worry is usually not going to be the best at experiencing great sex. The food we eat every day does have an affect on our mind, body and feeling of connection. One food can either support the feeling of connection and love and the other can reduce the feeling of those things. Its always of course here, we cannot get away from who we really are, yet some food choices supports us in feeling INCREDIBLE and AMAZING. This creates the experience of feeling really aligned with who we are. Because we are amazing and we are incredible. We are SO SO much LOVE ! Some foods are like material love. Others are like irritability or tension. Whole foods. Simple foods. Hydration. Thoughts in alignment with Love Truth and God. Thoughts are also a sort of food that we are consuming. Make sure they are in alignment with You. The food we eat can either assist us in feeling Alive and strong or tired and heavy. It can light up our mind or make us feel foggy. Please be mindful of how you feel when you eat, and prioritize feeling amazing, because you are worth it.

When we are powerful enough to choose wise food choices we automatically get more in tune and connected to our bodies. Making us feel more turned on and in turn creates greater sex. Also the food we eat can either clog us up or cleanse us out. Digestive ease is a big support in having great sex. The fact that we are able to eliminate waste easefully makes sex Great! I personally love raw fresh vegan whole foods. Or powerful raw fatty foods such as cultured nut and seed yoghurts, coconuts and avocados.

If I choose to eat more fruit based high carbs I prefer to eat less fat to support proper digestion. Sugary diets go best with no fat, it helps BIG time for elimination and proper digestion.

If I choose to eat high fat raw vegan I prefer and choose to eat no sugar at all. If anything maybe just a tiny bit. Like 1 banana total a day if any. The reason why is I have seen how fat and sugar don’t mix well in my body. Yes I can do it and I still feel pretty amazing. Yet when I choose one or the other, fat or sugar. That is next level energy and clarity. Both feel really good to me and both support me in feeling at my best. But I have to choose one or the other.

Of course I am not always following this, yet I know that for me to experience greater sex this is one way that supports that to happen. Its already really good eating just anything vegan plant based, but taking it to this level of choosing fat or sugar… yeah, its NEXT level for sure.

Every body is different, yet always eating a whole foods Organic diet I would say is best. More whole foods less processed more fresh vibrant foods with life and nutrients ! Yes and cheers to that for greater sex !

Step 4 : Authenticity, honesty and open communication

Beginning the journey of looking at ourselves, looking and seeing ourselves and our tendencies. Being open and willing to see our conditioning and programming and being willing to accept, love and extend compassion to these parts. Compassion for our humanness. Being honest about our fears, traumas and challenges. When it comes to finding the right partner for great sex, see if you can be authentic honest and open with him/her.

This is a great sign that will indicate if you will have a good sexual experience. Because nothing compares to sex where two people have been able to be real honest and open with one another versus withhold and hide some aspects of oneself out of fear. It is liberating to reveal all to another. This opens us up to more of each other resulting in deeper pleasure and greater sex. Because we have been seen in our challenges and pain. We have been honest and communicated clearly about our sexual desires and sexual past pain and traumas. This creates sex with greater depth, more openness energetically and more space to give and receive this powerful sexual energy and love. This Life force that is Sexual energy.

Step 5: Playfulness and Self loving

Return to innocence ! Realize you can play in the kingdom of Heaven again. Because you are and have always been a child of God. Playfulness is one of the best ingredients to great sex. As adults we may become very serious and overthink things. Get caught up in the illusion of lack and some belief in future fullfillment and completion. Really all we have been looking for is right here. We can relax and enjoy now ! Not later. There is NO later. Just enjoy yourself. Remember to stop and smell the roses. To take time to dance, laugh, play and be silly. If you catch yourself being too serious and concerned about everything, I say check yourself ! Realize the Truth of Love! Yes. Embrace the challenges, the dark. Yet also, be willing to laugh at it all. Because you know what ? Its a BIG cosmic joke ! all of this. Even the deepest pain and suffering. Within my pain and my suffering there is laughter. Because I can remember the Playful essence energy of who I am. At times I get caught up in jealousy and fear of abandonment, in the moment it is the deepest pain I ever experienced ! I feel so overwhelmed by these emotions. Yet, because I Practice self Loving and Know I AM Love. I am somehow, able to move thru these states with peace and ease. Truly being willing to go deep into it, the pain, and love it. Is Powerful. When we do this deep practice. We can go deeply into our childlike free happy self and PLAY! When we allow ourselves to cry scream and express our pain we can allow ourselves to play laugh sing dance and be so super joyous and happy ! A child is playful and free. Because he or she is fully allowing whatever is to be. This way we can return to our natural playful nature. This playful energy is life giving. It makes Sex Great because who does not love to play, nibble and roll around with another naked being while both are receiving so much pleasure love and happy vibrations.

Self Loving is so so crucial. Meaning loving oneself in all these ways iv’e just listed. By meditating, by eating high quality healthy foods, by exercise and movement. By being courageous enough to speak ones truth, to be honest open and communicate what is alive for one self. Self Love is the number one ingredient for great sex. Self love.

To me it looks like having my thoughts and view be in alignment with the view of Love. (Who I eternally am)

To me it looks like honoring the body by consciously and mindfully eating. To me it looks like slowing down and getting into nature. To me Self Love looks like taking time to be in the ocean, taking time to just simply yet powerfully be. Self love is Trusting and knowing that we are the creators of this reality and world. So we stand strong in our embodied Love self and create from the space of who we are. Cannot go wrong when we create and move from Love. From the space of connection to everything and everyone.

I Love you. I am excited for all the great sex you may and may not have. Either way. This is also all really wonderful practices to simply make life a LOT more wonderful and magical. Heaven on Earth.

Photo is by amazing artist Robyn Chance.



True healing is that you can always be in alignment with yourself and always be in Bliss.

Prioritize how You Feel.

Feeling good is your birth right!

Happiness and Joy is your Number one priority.

It is because these states are in alignment with who you really are. The infinite love creator.

You can feel joy and happiness no matter what is happening for you in your moment.

There can be bliss even with the presence of sadness and fear. The reason we feel bliss is because we know who we infinitely are while sadness or fear is present. These states can flow thru.

We always know who we are Now. We are the infinite Bliss. Bliss can be in every moment because we are it.

Gratitude and appreciation for everything in your life right now will bring you into the space of clearly seeing knowing feeling who you are.

You can be aware of ego changing thoughts and be aware of the belief that you are that. The changing.

Awareness is everything. The fact that you are aware of the clinging and identifying with the changing is everything.

It’s so ok. Just remember know who you are. Infinite love. Infinite Love ♥️

There may be the mistake of seeing and thinking you are the body you are aware of. This is a spark of you yes. An extension of you. You move speak act thru this body yet it’s not totally you.

Because you are everything. You are the women and the man. You are just One. I am you. You are me. We are the same energy. Vibrating at different frequencies. 

Pizza Can Love me too!

Pizza Can Love me too!

The Celebrating Feeling when We realize we need not suppress our desires for anything. The feeling that MAN we CAN HAVE IT ALL!! We are really so blessed. 

I will share how I recently began eating much more freely anything I wanted. Eating at any hour of the day. And LOVING IT ! 

I am a Women. I am Wild. I am a free Spirit. I choose to not control myself too much by having restricted eating times or restricted rules on what I can eat. 

All my Life I have been very controlling when it comes to what I eat. Or at least since I was in my early twenties. I Would have so much energy going towards what I eat and when I eat it and I would give all my time and energy to what I was eating! Like Life is all about what we eat. 

My Reality is filled with so much beauty and Bliss, why be stuck on fixating on what I eat ?

Why be stuck on judgments about what food is good for me and what is bad. Why call somethings I eat naughty and some things healthy? 

When we Choose to embark on the path of Self Love we NATURALLY change to eat in a way that is supportive for our health and wellness. We also Know and feel that anything we put into our body no matter what is is will be a blessing for us and it will be good. We eat things and our mind tells us it is a Gift and a Blessing. We eat for Love. We eat from a space of Love when we choose to Love ourselves in each moment. 

Pizza Cannot hurt you! Only the story you have in your mind about what Pizza can do to you is true. So If You strongly believe that Pizza is going to hurt you and make you depressed then of course that will be so. 

I have come to see that Pizza can Love me ! Really Love me when I really Really Love myself and eat it from a space of pure love and acceptance. 

All my Life especially since going Raw Vegan I became a bit overly obsessive about food. Never really actually coming to a place of Peace with it. 

Now. Choosing Self Love, Nurturing and Intuitive eating. I can say it’s so damn Peaceful and not even any fuss at all. Naturally I eat Whole Foods Plant Based Vegan when I Love myself. Naturally I choose that as I am happy ! Or Its every now and then a Vegan Pizza ! Haha 🙂 

Or some cultured cashew cheese created by my very talented brother ! Vegan cheese master i would say ! Either way, No matter what. There will be Love and acceptance and a feeling that I am Loving Myself Now. I am Loving Myself Now. I am ALWAYS BEING LOVED BY EVERY THING. No more food police! Just Celebrating freedom From self judgements ! 

When I throw away all the stories, all the beliefs, all the thoughts about anything. Then whatever I choose to do will be a wonderful experience for me. I will be Nurtured in one way or another by anything I do. 

It’s all in the mind. It’s all in the mind. It’s all in the mind. Look at your mind. What is it saying about what you are doing ? Is it creating disharmony or more harmony ? 

I Pray you are able to observe and watch the mind. So you can come to a space of feeling peace by either letting all that shit go or begin thinking thoughts that are of Love. Like everything I experience and ever will experience is LOVING me. 

I am Loved In all Ways every moment by existence. I am Blessed By the Breath, By the Body, By the Mind. It’s all a blessing.

One thing I have learned after 29 years of living is that our beliefs, stories and thoughts about reality are sometimes no where near actual ecstatic LOVING BLISSFUL reality. 

SO Thank You To awareness and Freedom to see. A little more, about the powerful being that we all are ! 

Dream into reality Party!

Dream into reality Party!

The dream. The reality.  I love it. All men and woman are strong, healthy and thriving. We are sexy ripped and glowing. Touching massaging loving one another from head to toe ! We are all connected to our eternal Source of Infinite Love.

We are all oiled up with the purest coconut oil dancing naked in the sunshine on top of a Hill overlooking the ocean. There is a big waterfall on our right that we all swim in whenever we are getting to hot and need a cool down. There is a great DJ here playing euphoric heart opening beats and tunes. 

Our cells are buzzing with bliss and our eyes are wide open to the beauty of life all around us. 

We Smile we kiss we eye gaze. We Dance around the land feeling light on our feet and excited like children. We are enjoying the abundant Raw Vegan Food bar that is set up in the big spacious greenhouse.

There, there is a big table. The table is filled with Raw Vegan CBD protein bars. 3 Beautiful muscular glowing shining men are standing by this beautiful table with the biggest smiles you have ever seen. Also the sweetest gaze you’ve ever seen. They are standing by this table, sharing the amazing benefits they have received from going vegan and choosing these protein bars over any other.

They are getting people signed up for the monthly CBD Cacao Protein bar subscriptions. Where people sign up and pay to be on the monthly list to receive 30 Protein Bars every month. Basically making it possible for people to enjoy one Raw Vegan CBD Cacao Protein bar a day. 

So far there is already 444 people signed up for this monthly subscription. People all over the world are enjoying Getting toned fit ripped and energized with the support of these amazing CBD Protein bars plus the monthly Motivational newsletter, fitness video and health inspired talk by someone from the company. Also the amazing monthly recipes. 

This blissful high vibe party is all to celebrate the success of the Raw Vegan CBD protein bars. And the success of so many human beings thriving from going vegan plant based. Choosing the lifestyle of Love and Compassion above all. 

This is a love tribe party where all are accepted and received in their unique essence. All are divinely connected and experiencing oneness. Living in Community Blasting the Vibrations of Love and Bliss out into the world. 

The founder, of the Raw Vegan CBD Cacao Protein Bars, Amanda Blank, is so excited, so humbled, so honored, to be standing on a field surrounded by all these amazing human beings. Whom are all shining and glowing living their Divine Purpose. 

With Gratitude, she sits. Naked by the waterfall. Dissolving into the sound of the running water. She is experiencing herself as everything in this Universe. Not limited to her flesh body. But literally all of it…She is the waterfall, she is the sky, she is the sexy men, the sexy powerful women. She is the child, she is the woman. She is no more limited to the one symbol of her body. She is everything. She always has been. ……

Beauty. Life. Death. Freedom. Creativity.  YES. 

Yes. Allow it. Live it. Gift the world aka yourself this Gift of you sharing your unique offering. 

I am not one thing. ….therefore I am everything. 

Abundance. Gratitude. Appreciation. Freedom to Express and share. 


The birth of the Weekly Vegan Meals idea

The birth of the Weekly Vegan Meals idea

I am a vegan of 5 years. Veganism has been in my family for a long time. 

I became vegan after going to the Woodstock Fruit festival. Thank God for that festival. Highly recommend it for anyone interested in seeing 75 year olds acting and living as energized as a teenager ! Also super sexy beautiful human beings of all ages having the time of their lives getting high of fruits sunshine and love ! 

I cannot believe how long I was living as a non vegan. I was vegetarian. Thought I was health conscious. Now I’m shocked at the idea of considering what I ate before as healthy. Cheese, yoghurt, fish and eggs. Thank God for psilocybin mushrooms for showing me that if I cannot kill the fish myself I have no right to have someone else do it for me. In my heart I could never kill a fish. Its a living earthling that wants to continue breathing. I prefer not to interfere with any living beings life just so I could eat it.

Especially when there is a whole plant kingdom that is here. Sunshine food is here ! We can eat it and Thrive and Shine ! Earthy greens and vegetables, airy light fruits. Its Heaven food. Creates heaven environment from within. Sunshine Love food! This is what can Truly make you feel Alive ! 

Remove death, dead flesh from fearful suffering animals. Remove that from your diet. I promise, your heart will Smile. This is my experience, I went from being depressed and dark to blissful and living in the heavenly realms! Not everyone can meet me there. Thats okay. The ones I really wanna connect with do 😉 Even when darkness comes I trust and know I am Light. Always. Because I eat sunlight food. Everyday. I desire to share this food with you. With human beings. 

My mama has been amazing at sharing this kind of food with the people for a very long time. I had the pleasure of working with her in our vegan/vegetarian restaurant in Northern Sweden called Down to Earth. It was a family business. I worked there as well as my mama and stepdad. My grandma and her coworkers would come for lunch everyday. The little town of Northern Sweden got blessed by this place. Lunch buffe and at times dinner service. My mama made everything from scratch. The most amazing baguettes and amazing food. World food. All Vegan. She made Indian, mexican, thai, sushi pizza lasagna. Amazing Chocolate cake made with potato instead of egg. Super moist and so rich! 

My mother introduced me to Raw vegan desserts, cakes and pies. I always felt it was a mystery. Never really understood how she did it. Just really really enjoyed eating them. Felt so nourishing and rich. 

The day I got to see her make it step by step I got it. The mystery was solved and I now knew I could do it too ! I started creating and playing in the kitchen. With many flavors and colors. I Loved the process of creating raw Vegan desserts. It was my biggest joy to have the house all to myself and make the most beautiful cacao treats, cakes and pies. All while drinking a Tulsi Chai with Vanilla hemp milk. Oh how I remember those days. 

Also the cooking and preparing meals with my mother, big HUGE salads for dinner. With the most amazing nut based dressings. So creamy and satisfying.  Preparing vegan nurturing meals have been in my life for a long time. I have catered to weekend retreats and private parties. I make vegan meals for my family whenever I am in my hometown. I most recently prepared a vegan Thai curry for my partners grandma in Palm Springs. She really enjoyed it. Its so much fun introducing vegan meals to people who have never had it. To people who eat meat most days because its what they grew up with. I love showing the possibility that you can get all your needs met and taste pleasure met with vegan food. 

Sometimes people ask me if my love for cooking and creating in the kitchen comes from my moms love for it. And because I worked with her. In some ways yes. I got to experience the soothing nurturing love energy from her being in the kitchen, preparing our family home made meals almost every night. We would always sit and share meals together. As the family we were. 

I certainly love creating that feeling of being nurtured for others. I love to nurture others by sharing health conscious delicious foods. 

I used to struggle with alcohol addiction, pretty heavily so until nearly leaving this body. I remember how important it was for my healing to eat a plant based vegan diet. How important part of the healing it was for me to prepare my own meals using whole foods. It felt as though it was my new practice of self love. This was very important for healing my trust in myself and that I could take care of myself. Because for so long I had harmed my body with alcohol. The practice of feeling my body and tuning into what it really wanted in a deeper sense was beautiful. It wanted sunlight. In all ways but especially sunlight food. The kind of food that was colorful and bright. Like fruits, greens, root vegetables. I wanted to eat sunlight ! 

And sunlight food I been eating ever since. A balanced vegan diet. Whole foods. Lots and lots of whole foods. Lentils, quinoa, beans, pumpkins, sweet potato, potatoes, fruits, greens and vegetables ! Also amazing powerful nuts and seeds. 

While living in Hawaii I feel so blessed to be able to eat mostly local food. Local sweet potato, ulu, pumpkin, cassava, bananas, papayas and so many vegetables. And of course, the coconuts ! The water of coconuts and the meat! So incredibly nourishing. 

I prepare food almost every day for me and my partner. Because I love too. 

So yesterday I realized, I wanna share this! With more people !  I have shared it many times before in many different ways. I’ve catered food for retreats, ceremonies and parties. Also for individual people. This is a service I love providing. 

So I realize the best way at this time to share anything is thru the internet.  Using the markets as a way to advertise what I share and provide thru my website. I Love doing the markets, but now they are more a place I go to for the fun of socializing and for the fun of informing people of what I do in a bigger scale online. 

My main focus with this Weekly Vegan Meals is to share and support human beings who want to treat themselves to amazing home cooked meals. Get it delivered to their door and provide a service that is truly going to nurture another human being from the inside out. 

Also I wanna create an experience of pleasure by also sharing some Raw Vegan Desserts in the weekly meals. I see this as a way to love others. To share my Gift and Joy of sharing natural foods with people. Tasty satisfying and nutritious. 

I am feeling aligned in the idea of delivering the food in beautiful glass mason jars. This way they can be given back to me for future orders.  This way we reuse. This feels so good. 

I see this Vegan weekly meal as a beautiful gift. You can gift yourself or a loved one. I know I would absolutely love to receive something like this myself. Thats why I offer it to you. I love you. Happy day to you my friend. 

Raw Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Raw Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Aloha all Lovers of Rich Decadent Cacao treats. Today I am sharing the recipe for these really amazing Fudge Brownies. Raw. Vegan. Sugar free. Gluten Free. Packed with Natures Powerful Foods. As it should be 😉 Taste Pleasure that really REALLY feels good ! 

Can be eaten as a midday pick me up snack with a nice cup of tea coffee or chai. For breakfast with a nice creamy glass of homemade Hemp, Almond, or Coconut milk.

You can eat it in bed together with your sweetheart. Feed it to one another and then get it on!! 😀 Or have a wonderful open honest heart share <3

Whatever way you eat it just know you are indulging in a very very high vibe decadent powerful treat that really loves you back. Packed with nutrients from using Raw Organic ingredients. Very few simple ingredients.

I tuned into this recipe. I just sat there and imagined what would be good combinations. Intuitive recipe. The way I love to create.

So I hope you can Enjoy these as much as my family and friends are.

Chocolate Fudge Brownies with Chocolate Macnut Topping 

What you will need : Food Processor Love and Gratitude ! 


6 Cups Dates

1 Cup Coconut Manna

1 cup Cacao butter

3 cups Cacao powder

Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan salt to enhance flavor but not necessary.


Add all ingredients in a food processor. Melt the cacao butter before adding it in to the mix

Mix until all ingredients are all together.

You may need to take all the batter out and put it into the food processor a little bit at a time. This is to support the food processor to mix it all so It really becomes One.

Place the mix once ready in either parchment paper or a pan.

Let it cool so the cacao butter can harden again making it all get together real nice !

Chocolate Macnut Topping 

In a double boiler melt down

1 1/4 cups Cacao Paste

0,5 Cup of Cacao Butter

1,5 Cup mesquite powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt

Once its all melted pour over the fudge brownie that’s been cooling of and settling in the fridge or freezer.  Spread it out evenly and let cool down so the chocolate can harden a bit.

Add chopped up macnuts as a nice sweet rich crunchy topping before the chocolate gets hard so they stick to the chocolate.

Cut into Bite size pieces. They are very rich!

Serve and eat at Room Temperature for full flavor.

This recipe makes a good amount. Estimate serving is about 15 to 20 depending on how much you eat.

I am excited to hear from you how they turn out if u choose to make them. 

And of course, we can always change and modify anything to our own personal liking. We can get creative and tune into what we are feeling in that moment. This can be used as a base or inspiration for your own beautiful raw vegan decadent delicious creation !  

I am open to feedback on this too. Im just beginning to actually make recipes, I have all my life only free flowed in all my creations never saved any recipe so its always really fresh and new. But I have realized that Recipes can be fun and easy to create. Just gotta tune into it. And Trust its gonna be amazing! Because it always is 😀 

I Love You So Much !!! Happy Beautiful day to You! 

Coconut Cashew Dream Energy Bar

Coconut Cashew Dream Energy Bar

Cashew Coconut Dream Energy Bar Recipe! 
2 cups Cashews

¾ Coconut manna

2 cups Dates

0.5 cups Cacao powder

1 scoop Garden Of Life Vanilla Raw Organic Protein Powder

2 Table Spoons Coconut Nectar

1 tea spoon Himalayan Pink Salt

I also added CBD oil in this. Did not measure exactly how much just a good amount to feel it energetically.

If you Love CBD oil as much as me then go ahead and add it to the mixture.

Add all these ingredients into the Food processor and mix until it’s all sticking together and all pieces have been broken down. 

All One Basically. All the ingredients dissolved into Love with One another 😉

Then place in a Pan. I used a lasagna pan. You wanna use something that can help cut them into an energy bar shape. Or of course, you can just make round balls as well. Whatever makes you happy !

Let the treat cool down in the freezer for an hour, then serve and enjoy straight out the freezer or allow them to sit out and enjoy room temperature. Both ways are Super delicious ! 

Staying Strong in your Truth

Staying Strong in your Truth

I must say, its quiet beautiful to learn more and more about myself and my ways by the blessing of breathing fresh new breath every day. Aloha Life brothers and sisters. Thank you for this blessing.

I have recently experienced myself being influenced a bit, and not fully honoring my truth. We have so many truths. One truth of mine is that I feel much better without orgasm. I feel more sexually alive when I circulate the sexual energy versus disperse it thru an orgasm.

Recently, as my life partner arrived back on the island, I actually ended up having an orgasm. Now, this is totally okay. Like I said, the awareness, learning and growth is what I value. I am feeling like I learned a lot from this experience of having an orgasm after at least 23 days of no orgasm.

So. What did I learn ? I learned that no matter what is happening in the physical world I choose to stay strong and committed in what I know feels the best for me. I choose to value most my staying true to myself versus do something that may feel really amazing in the moment, but later show me that perhaps its not really my most preferred feeling. Of course in the bigger picture I know that of course I wanted the orgasm. Thats why I had it ! So I could gain this new level of awareness of how much I choose to Stay Strong in my Truth. Not be tempted by changing physical reality to react, do or say something I really don’t want to say or do.

Another thing I learned is that I can express my feelings of agitation to my partner. I can honestly share the affect I feel from having the orgasm. I can share everything with him. My feeling that I just want to be alone and that I feel less free when he is around. Basically I learned that I cannot hide my insecurities with him. I have to share them. I learned that I am loved in the space of feeling all that I feel. I learned that its safe and okay for me to always share my experience and feelings with him. Even when it has to do with him. I learned that it’s the sharing that matters most. The honestly of what is alive in me. Sharing the true raw feelings.

I learned that we can share things, and that they do not always have to be pretty. That even when its something we may not feel is nice it’s still good to just express it because it feels real in that moment. I learned that I am in the best relationship ever. Because I can truly share all of myself. That my partner wants me to be open and share. I learned that I am loved in my insecurities too. And in my fear.

Orgasm can make me feel different in my mood. Like it brings up agitation energy and insecurities. Circulating the energy by breathing a lot while we make love is what makes me feel so good !

Like its really not the biggest deal, yet, I love being really picky about how I feel. Like, I value feeling really amazing ! And I know what I must do to feel amazing. One thing is circulate the sexual energy versus disperse it. Another thing is get proper sleep at the right times. Another thing is eat vegan plant based and stay hydrated. Another one is Feel Connection to who I am beyond body/mind and always remember where I come from and who I eternally am. I value feeling connected to Truth. Eternal One truth of Infinite Love. Abstaining from orgasm really supports my desire for deeper connection with the whole. With You. With Me.

Another way I am staying strong in my Truth is this situation that is happening at the place I am staying. There is a women here who is known for causing lots of trouble and drama. She makes many people cry and feel very uncomfortable. She is very mentally unstable in my perception. She has verbally attacked me and many of my friends. She has been sweet to me and manipulated me and then really treated me so badly. I allowed this to happen before because I did not know better. Also I was wanting to believe that she was my dear sister that I loved. But slowly but surely she started showing some very disturbing qualities that I honestly find a bit creepy and scary. So she got kicked out of this place yet she keeps coming back. Nobody wants her here. Yet she forces herself to places and people. Anyways, enough about that. I feel so much compassion for her. I cannot be angry or upset anymore.

Even when she steals from me. Its like, I am aware of my mind wanting to react and be upset but honestly I just wish her the best and also that she stays away from my space. The way I am Staying Strong in My Truth is to not react with anger or judgement. When she is judging and blaming others and myself for being evil humans I am just feeling compassion and love. feeling the feelings I desire for her to feel so badly. I am SO grateful that I am able to keep my calm and peace. feel my preferred outcome versus get into a cat fight with her. Before I have been very defensive and reactive towards her now honestly I could care less. Her energy cannot affect me because I am so Committed to my Truth of choosing Love and compassion versus hatred and blame.

I am however setting the strongest energetic and physical boundary ever. I blocked her from fb and don’t want her anywhere near me. This boundary is serving me so well ! Fuck I am so happy to not be miss nice I want everyone to like me kinda girl anymore. If you treat me like that, I will strongly state that I am not to be treated this way. I am not going to tolerate it in my space. So Yes, I can be in the same space as her yet I’m not affected at all. Im in my world. She feels the boundary. And its so Wonderful. Haha.

This is a big one for me. A lesson learned. I used to react big time. Like I would argue and debate with her try to change her outlook. Now I know I do not want that energy in my life. So I stay Strong in my Truth and firmly state that to the universe. It all works out when we know what we desire the most and act upon it. Allow life to shape itself according to what we desire.

In what ways are you staying strong in your Truth ?

What Ball do You want to see get Bigger ?

What Ball do You want to see get Bigger ?

Momentum is generally used to mean increasing forward motion. A boulder rolling down a hill gains momentum. So does a great idea, a team on a winning streak, or the economy. … Used figuratively, momentum implies that, like a boulder rolling down a hill, something with momentum will continue moving forward on its own.

If you could choose, Would you choose to see the ball of Love, Peace, Bliss, Compassion get bigger ? Or the ball of judgement, worry, doubt, fear, anger ?

My answer is the love ball. I choose that one to get BIGGER! So what can we do to make it bigger ? Build a momentum. It is guaranteed to get bigger when we deliberately choose to make it so. We hold then power to make it as big or small as we wish.

I am feeling and realizing the power of building momentum of what we desire most in our lives. This is how reality in the 3D dimension works. If we build momentum of anything it will show itself in the physical, eventually.
So whatever you desire and wish to see become physical. Think, feel and act upon that. Live as if you already have it. Feel your preferred outcome now and live as if it is real Now. This is building a momentum of just that. The preferred outcome. It will come. It will come.

So check yourself and see where you are still in conflict with your preferred momentum. Meaning see where you are still holding on to thoughts, beliefs or stories that go against your preferred momentum, your preferred outcome. If You realize Now how powerful you actually are.
That you create this world by your outlook, view, perception and beliefs. You can begin taking empowering steps to change the world you see into the world you desire most. It can be anything You desire. So use you imagination to really feel what world you choose. And then, from there, think it, feel it and see it in your minds eye. Create this inner belief of what the world is like.

I create a Peaceful world. Where we are all Abundant, rich and all our needs are cared for in amazing fun exciting ways! Where we communicate openly and honestly. Where we can do what we love the most and get paid for doing it.

That last one, getting paid for doing what we love most. That is one I am fine tuning right now. I am more and more stepping into this truth that I can do it. That I am worthy of this. That I have a lot to offer. That My Gifts are precious.
That I am allowed to feel, think and believe that I am fucking awesome. Or at least that I am allowed to really believe in myself. I Honestly really do believe in myself and my ability to create abundance. Self Love and self care is so important for this to ever unfold. The moment to moment practice of self loving thoughts, feelings and actions. The moment to moment practice of allowing. Allowing whatever wants to express and play out to do so. Maybe its a nap or maybe its starting taking the steps towards creating a dream program for people. A perfect program that I myself would love to attend and be apart of. A program that I would Buy! Maybe its starting that process. That feels so fun ! Cacao, meditation, CBD, naked dancing and reflections. Exercise and recipes. Yeah. Yes. Its happening.

So how can we build momentum ? Well, commit all the way to what you desire. Get married to your most purest desires. Im not talking ego desires. Im talking Soul, Spirit, Source, God, Love Desires. No matter what happens outside you. Choose to build a new momentum of what you actually desire.

So Instead of thinking about everything you dislike or everything that you wish would go away, think about what you really want to see. No matter how fucked up it is in your reality. Choose to go the magician way and rise above it and live in what you prefer to be true. This is a magical world that we can shape and mold. Realize you can shape it. You are powerful. You are not a victim. You have the choice. To choose how you respond. How you think, feel and what you believe. How you act.

Do you really desire Love and Bliss ? Well then, if you do, its yours ! Feel it now no matter what. Stop the thoughts that are keeping you in suffering and victimhood.

By all means, always embrace your feelings when they arise. But just remember to not dwell in them. Feel them heal them and release them. Learn from them, grow from them. See them as powerful teachers. See your judgements and critical thoughts as teachers showing you where you could align a little more to your true most loving self.

So first step is. You gotta really want it. You actually gotta really want it because once you go towards it all that other stuff that is not what you want will fall away. This may be a painful process because maybe we have identified with these things for some time, or long time. Maybe we believe that makes up who we are and now its falling away. The suffering the misery the victimhood. Its gonna go… Who are we ? When this shit goes ?

Love. Spaciousness. Freedom. Openness. Peace. Bliss. Who we always have been and always will be.

How Will We Respond ?

How Will We Respond ?

We have no control. Of how life unfolds. But, we do have control over our thoughts, actions and words. And truly, our thoughts actions and words do create our reality. They really do. It’s all made up by us. How liberating!

This is a forever important reminder because we live in a world that can and has been very overreactive and quick to cast blame or judgement. I see in my own self where I am in a space of seeing the illusion of separation as real. So I cast blame or judge.
When we cast blame or judge and feel anything other than compassion and love it feels a bit uneasy. It is because, we are not blame or judgement. We are Love and Compassion.

So the experience of feeling inconvenienced by another person is actually feeling inconvenienced by our untrue thoughts of separation. If we were feeling our big whole connection to the universe and all that is to ourSelves then this would not occur.
We would simply smile breathe and keep living from moment to moment in deep gratitude and appreciation for the simple natural goodness of being. Of breathing. Of Feeling. I prefer to be in this space. Live in my heart body and womb. Feel deeply here versus allow my mind to take me on an emotional roller coaster !

When we allow the mind to get overreactive, its like stirring a pot of soup we do not actually desire to eat. But we begin stirring it really fast and adding all kinds of unwanted vegetables into it.

Shoots ! I Prefer to slowly stir a soup of Love and Compassion. Self acknowledgement and acceptance of what is coming up in the moment but not needing to play what is coming up out. Just a simple yet powerful awareness of what is arising.

Instead of something arising and I directly just run that story as if its what I want, I prefer to see it, feel it, and then CHOOSE if that is the reality I want to create more of.

I Hold the keys ! I Choose if I wanna drive down this or that path. Whatever thoughts I continually think will become the path. So right now I have a choice to create what path I do want to drive down or walk.

It takes some deliberate choosing what thought we desire to think and then sticking to it. It takes building anew momentum of what we desire versus what we do not like. Its all about giving our awareness and focus to what we desire. Our Pure Clean Desires. I have Pure clean desires of Love Peace and Harmony. I have desire to self accept and acknowledge all my feelings and emotions, to embrace them, yet I choose to not be run by them. I choose to be run by my Pure Desires. Act upon my pure desires.

Anytime I act on something other then my pure desires I feel it. In my Body. Its beautiful to notice it. And come back. Its a constant state of coming back, its a constant choosing of the highest.

Remembering why we came here, to see thru the illusion of separation and experience the Infinite Abundance of this Universe.
The Infinite possibilities. Our ability to create the world that we desire to see. It begins in this moment, we create only Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now….YES. Now.

We can only ever begin shifting when we first truly DEEPLY Know Trust and Understand that We are the Jedis ! The magicians ! The shape shifters and molders of this reality. Its our world. We choose what kind of world we wanna breathe in and be in.

Step out of victimhood mentality and into empowered Queens and Kings. Rooted in the Center of our Being. This Being Is an Ever expansion of Love. Yes. So catch up, with your beautiful self. And feel ease peace and Harmony Now.

When I say catch up I mean align your thoughts and stories with the thoughts and stories of who You Really Are.

You are the One that can hold space for anything to arise and express. You are the space that embraces and holds all fears and pain. You are not the one that reacts to fear and pain and judges it as wrong. You are the One that holds it. Embraces it. Deeply feels it. You are the one that feels it without any attached story. You are the One that feels without commentary. Just pure feeling. It is Bliss. No matter what the feeling, if we can just purely feel it, without any story or thought about why it is here, yeah, this is Bliss. When all the commentary and stories fade away and we remain.

Thank you to every single human being in my life for helping me see where I still believe we are separate. Where I am holding on to stories I do not actually desire to create more of in this life. Thank You for showing up and creating discomfort in me.
I see now its not about you. Its about me. And me stepping into this new energy that I truly desire. Im being shown Can I do it ?
Am I ready to commit all the way to being and living in My Pure Desires ?. Yes. I feel scared saying it but fucking YES!!!
Its a big yes ! I commit and I choose this.

It takes constant practice moment to moment to remain in what I desire most. In Peace, Bliss, Love, Abundance, Courage, Bravery, Connection, Warmth, Tenderness, Appreciation, Kindness, Care, Empathy and Consideration.

I choose this. I really choose this. All that is not this and not in alignment with Me is going to fall away. Its going to vanish. Thank You for human beings that bring this up for me and trigger the parts of me that still cannot accept and stay in connection. Thank You for Showing me where I can Let go and Release more. Thank You. Deeply Thank you. Thank You for showing me where I a still creating a reality I do not want. Where I am blindly reacting.

I choose to stay in this that I desire and feel is Purely me. Breathe, feel, accept, embrace, acknowledge, release and let go.

And it is not about bypassing our feelings and emotions and pretending we do not feel them or experience them. It is about being willing to drop the created thought or story attached to that feeling and instead just feeling it.
Come back to the power place of your body. Where all you can do is feel. Come hOMe to your body and just feel. No stories. No Thoughts about what is happening. Its just happening.

We create the meaning to people, situations and things. We give the meaning by our thoughts, stories and held onto beliefs.

I choose to Have the mind be in Alignment with my Pure Desires. Basically in alignment with who we all are. This is all I desire for this mind. To think thoughts, tell stores, and believe what we Truly Know is True. That Love is all there is.

There is no separation. Only Love is Real.

Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing Unreal exists.

We are abundant beings in all aspects of our Life. We have unlimited amount of positive and empowering thoughts.
We can always take action from our Pure desires. Yes we can and Yes we will!

Clear Seeing

To clearly see. A man. Or a women. For what they truly actually are.
Im beyond blessed to experience seeing them, and me, as Love. A symbol of Love. Of God. The Amount of Love I feel for human beings is huge. The connecting and being close is what shows us we are all Love. When we connect and dare to actually look see and feel, thats when we remember. Remembering that Love is all there is and ever will be.
Of course in the depths of pure seeing and deep meditation it is seen also. Really we cant help but in the end see it this way.

The mind will have it’s battle to create it in another way. It is conditioned, thats ok. Love for this conditioning. Compassion for the false seeing. Love and compassion for the lens. Its innocent. We have the ability and choice to take the lenses of now.
We have the freedom to choose. We can choose freedom. Death. Love.
I include the word death because I feel death is beautiful. When person dies only Love remains. Its a painful scary experience for the person. It’s only for the brave and courageous. Not everyone will walk into the fire.
Many will. And once we do, we see. The feeling of exhilaration, liberation and full expansion comes. Growth!

Yes. This is why we are here. To risk “dying” for truth. Ego/mind may have all kinds of stories and beliefs. Reasons to be unhappy and concerned.
You. We. Love. Is at Peace. Come on back. Drop the recordings of the mind. Push reject on the tape that is your mind. What you will see is Reality. Bright and alive. You will See as God, Live as God, and Realize God. God. AKA Love.

No Orgasm for 30 Days

No Orgasm for 30 Days

Orgasm. Its such an amazing experience. Wow Thank you for the experience of having an orgasm and sharing it with a human being that is such a deeply nourishing energy to connect with. So Sweet, sexy, strong, powerful, kind, gentle, present, caring, loving fun and authentic.
Its incredible to share such powerful energy of orgasm with such a wonderful being and I am Grateful to be able to have such an experience. Yet, at the same time, we choose not to. We say Thank You I Love You, But No Thank You 😀

Why say no Thank You to the thing that everyone talks about and raves about ? To the thing that feels SO SO SOOOO Good !

Well, the orgasm has an affect on the body/mind and mood. I Believe it is a very beneficial thing to have an orgasm sometimes, I mean just sometimes.
Like not completely dismiss it. But instead of regularly having an orgasm instead only having one when it seems like it is actually going to be really helpful and it is truly needed for relieving some serious tensions or releasing some energy.

I Personally feel like the pleasure and wellbeing of an orgasm is so short, if we compare it to the pleasure of instead circulating and keeping the sexual energy within our body.

No Orgasm does not mean no sex or Love making. It means making love in a way where we are not chasing orgasm. No end goal. It means slowing way down and choosing to breathe and circulate energy when it gets to hot versus run towards it. No orgasm is in the long run far more pleasurable in my experience. Because I feel so much nourishing energizing sexual energy running thru my body when I have not released it by having an orgasm.

No Orgasm Love making is filled with pleasure and presence. Awareness and equanimity. Just moving connecting and sharing powerful sexual energy together. Circulating it all in our body. Into our heart up to the third eye down to our belly and toes. All Over. Really appreciating each others body, each others smell, moans, touch, caress, energy and breathing.

Orgasm can lead to people chasing orgasm. Craving orgasm. This in an unbalanced mind. Do we really wanna make love and be chasing this future pleasurable experience ? The Pleasure is right here. In the moment, feeling your partner deeply inside you deeply connected to him and being present with what you are feeling in your body. Breathing. Feeling. Being in Bliss together. Cultivating more love more powerful sexual nourishing energy between the two of you. After a love making like that you still feel so connected. Because energy is still there and SO alive. It keeps circulating and giving you feelings of pleasure even when you are not making love. Its like being penetrated and touched by an energy that you kept versus released with orgasm.

Many people feel done after orgasm. Like they can go to sleep or do something else. Also sometime less interest in their partner.
With non orgasm love making you can go all night and you will still feel up for it even after a long time because the energy is there. You choose when to stop. When ending a non orgasm love making session its so amazing to lay close together for sometime and just breathe and feel each other and our own bodies. Feel that power. That nourishment. That alive fresh and creative force of sexual energy. The sleep you may go into then is not because of energy having been released its because of feeling such bliss your body can deeply deeply relax into a great powerful Love energy. You feel connected. In Love. With everything. All of Life. Especially connected to your partner.

So we are on day 8 of our no orgasm for 30 days. Grateful for the experience. In meditation I noticed how amazing I feel in my body. How much sexual energy I feel. Just so Alive. I don’t need to be sexual with someone just because I feel sexual energy. I can utilize it and circulate it all in my body. See it as the nourishing food that it is. Just like sunlight and fresh air. Sexual energy is sooo nourishing for our body. Especially when we have a balanced mind. Not reacting to it all all the time. Needing to do something about it. We can just feel it. Engage when we choose.

Its kinda like you begin feeling like you are making love all the time. Like you are being penetrated by God in every moment. Thats what No orgasm can lead to for me.
Of course, we all truly know, the truth is we are God in each moment. We are Love in each moment. We cant ever get away from this truth. No matter what we think or believe, the truth is always this. Only Love is Real. God is all there is. Everything is God. Everything is Love. No matter how we or “others” express. Its all the Divine. There is no actual separation. No matter what it looks like. Its just an illusion. There is no separation……

Oneness. Rest in this and feel Full complete Trust. That all is working out. Everything is as it should. We are all okay no matter what the fuck happens to “us”. All temporary. Its all changing. Enjoy the experience. I Love you.

I will go play now. Over and out !



I’ve Lived in a state of Abundance all my life.

Have I always been Aligned with the infinite stream of Abundance and well being ?
No. Its always been with me though. State of Abundance is ours! We choose if we want to Align with it or not.

Are we ready to get Aligned ? Are we ready to Give and Receive in the most amazing magical ways ? Yeah. Its about time.

So, how to get Aligned ? What does that process look like for me ?

It begins with doing what I love everyday. Exercise, shake, meditate. Share and express myself.

It looks like really tuning into what truly excites me.

What when I tune into it makes me feel exhilarated, really alive and excited ?

Whatever that is, take action towards that. That is living in alignment.

Sometimes I’m excited to just allow myself to rest with complete feeling of Love and Gratitude that I am able to give my body/mind rest when it needs it. That feels so Abundant.

To get into alignment also begins with becoming very aware of your thoughts, beliefs and stories. To be very aware of what is really going on in the mind. Is there a belief that is limiting ? That is in conflict with what you truly desire ? Take a look, its always very honest and clear when you take a pure clear look at what is going on.

By beginning the practice of pure observation meditation everyday you begin to see that none of it is actually real. Yet something, believes it is. Only Infinite Love is actually real. This one truly begins to see. On a very deep level. Who we truly are. We are beyond body and mind. We are the most powerful thing there is. The creator ! Infinite creator.

While you are observing and becoming aware of your thoughts :
If you find a recurring thought pattern that is keeping you from taking an action step towards what you desire then I suggest you write that belief down. Put it out there more. See it for what it really is.
Your created thought. Why think something limiting when you can think something empowering ? Maybe we have been conditioned by the way we grew up or how society and movies portray things. Become aware of that too. Really set an intention to Clearly see what is up.
Check your thoughts stories and beliefs. Trace them back to where they may have first begun. Get clear on how you have been conditioned to see things in certain ways.
Realize you have the power to change. You have the power to choose a new way of thinking seeing and and what you believe. A new perception. You are the story teller. Forms and objects move according to the story you are telling or what you are believening.

To get into Alignment also begins with realizing that you are worthy of truly feeling and experiencing your true pure desire. You Deserve to have it all and more ! You Rising and Shining is what the whole Universe wants. Life sings and celebrates when you Love and feel your own Inherent Worth.

Realizing you cannot do wrong. Realizing that even the worst case scenario, is something you could handle if it were to happen.
Realize how strong and resilient you actually are and that everything that happens to you. Is happening for your growth and expansion into the greater stronger you. Always. Realize that everything in your universe wants what is best for you. Everything actually is really loving you. Even the stuff you may say “well hey this shit is hating me and hurting me”.

That “shit” is actually loving you. You know why ? Its showing you where you can choose love again, choose compassion again. Its showing you something about yourself and your life that you are being invited to change. Universe Life would never give you something it knew you could not rise higher from. You are forever expanding as the infinite love that we all are. Being in Alignment more and more helps us feel that infinite expansion happening. Gives us the same thoughts that are in alignment with who we are. Infinite Love and everlasting bliss.

So whatever you love to do. Do it. Whatever you love to feel. Feel it. Gratitude and Appreciation for every little thing. Yes. This is Abundant Living. Gratitude for the lessons. The Teaching of Life. Its not happening to us. Its happening FOR us. Its all for us to rise higher. Its all being done for us to forever and always come back to choosing Truth Unconditional Love and Power.

Embody the powerful Creators that we are. We are Abundant. Tap into the Abundant stream every day thru the actions that you know will take you there. Create express. Move beyond the fear and limiting beliefs. See its all just a creation from the mind. Its not even real! Its not. Prove it by doing everything you most wanna do even if it scares the shit out of some part of you. You will see, that part of you is just made up created ego. Haha. Not who you really are. You are the power. The Queen or King. The God or Goddess. You are Shining and You will Shine forever. You will share your excitements and Joy with the world. You will light up the world by being You!

Getting into alignment:
Eat Healthy
Drink plenty pure clean water
Get proper rest
Be around people who really want what is best for you who inspire you
Get outside into nature everyday
Exercise and shake daily
Meditate daily
Write down you Gratitude and appreciation
Breath deeply and relax
Sing dance Move !
Take time for You and self nurturing.
Read inspiring books or listen to inspiring videos
Purely see. Cleary. The truth in This moment.
Only Thing That is actually Real. Is LOVE. Everything else is made up by mind. Even your body. Made up. You are Only Love.
We are all Love. Embody. Live. Who You are.

Emotional Nourishment

Emotional Nourishment

Emotional Nourishment

Our emotions play a big part on how we are showing up and feeling in our day. In our everyday Life we can either be uplifting ourselves into more Joy, Happiness and Bliss. Or we may be discouraging ourselves with thoughts that produce emotions that are just not in alignment with who and what we Truly are. We are an extension of Source energy and We are apart of God. So anytime we do feel an emotion that is not how God and Source feels we feel sad, worried or fearful. This is so Okay. It’s totally okay to not feel okay. Allow all emotions to flow thru you. Feel to Heal. Be honest about how you feel and allow yourself to be seen in your true feelings.
With that being said, what is important is to see how we can actually empower ourselves and take control over how we feel more and more by actually choosing the thoughts we think and by actually choosing how we perceive reality and what is happening around us. If we can control anything, it’s how we respond to anything that is happening in this Life. We can choose what we believe to be true and we can choose what story we wanna tell about how we are and how others are.
Remember that what you believe and what story you tell will become your truth, so personally I would always choose the story and the belief that is in alignment with who I really am, and I am Love. Truly Purely Love.
Yet, this may not be easy at first, especially if we have for many years held onto beliefs that are the opposite of how we (Source) truly feels and sees things. We will have to consciously deliberately make an effort to become aware of our thoughts, actively engage in changing them into being more in alignment with your True Self, Source, Love.
This is a worthwhile thing to do because once we have our thoughts and emotions in alignment with our Source then we are So incredibly nourished by that energy !
It’s a very high energy to be in alignment emotionally with our Source. Feeling the ease Trust and Knowing That You are Capable, you are Worthy, You are everything you need to Succeed and more. You are a Blessing to this world. You are a Gift, you are Safe and allowed to Share the Gift that You are. In fact the whole Universe Celebrates when you open up and allow the infinite wellbeing to flow thru you. This flow becomes possible when we align our emotions to the same emotions as Source, Love, Our True self.
This kind of nourishment is actually the most important over all the nourishments in my opinion. Mind over matter. Our Mind is SO powerful. When we really change our mind, the program we have running, then everything truly does change. The instant manifestation is incredible. It’s a manifestation of a feeling, a feeling that feels SO good. Instantly it raises our energy. We feel better in our body, we ease tension and we smile from just this simple yet SO incredibly powerful shift of just our thoughts and emotions into alignment with the perception of God. Yes. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love.
Emotional Nourishment. It’s so powerful when we give ourselves the nourishment of emotions that are in alignment.
Such as Gratitude, Appreciation, Ease, Peace, Relief, Trust, Knowing, Joy, Excitement, Curiosity, Love, Joy, Playfulness, Openness, Freedom, Bliss, Acceptance, Allowing, Releasing, Expressing, Sharing, Caring, Consideration.
These are all emotions that are available to us. Every moment of our lives. If there is another emotion present that does not feel as good as any of these, see if you can begin to powerfully and consciously choose to tune into something that feels better. Because truth is, You can! You are that powerful. You have the power to shift it all. But you have to be willing to let it go. Release it and free yourself from the bondage that you may have been in. All in your mind. Luckily so. Because if it’s all in your mind, You can make a Change ! Takes some conscious deliberate choosing to do so. May not feel natural at first and may feel forced, but trust me its worth it.

My Favorite Sweeteners

My Favorite Sweeteners

Aloha !
I wanted to express my love for the amazing sweetener Monk Fruit ! When Making my sweet decadent Raw Cacao CBD Treats I always wish to use ingredients that are going to support the bodies natural ability to Thrive and feel amazing !
I do know that these days many people tend to have a strong reaction to overly sugary things. Its not the sweetness we have a problem with, its the overly stimulation affect of processed sugars. They raise the blood sugar and can make the body be overly stimulated creating a feeling of anxiousness or restlessness. We have all seen what to much sugar can do to a little child. Its like a strong drug affect. Now Im of course talking about processed sugar not natural sugar found in fruit.

Even sugars like coconut palm sugar I find tend to be a bit to strong and create a bit to much of reaction for the body. I prefer to consume foods that are going to be more nourishing in the long run and give a longer lasting sustained energy.

Monk Fruit is perfect for this. It is Sweet with nutrients minus the raising of the blood glucose levels. It also has zero calories and carbs. Yet it tastes amazing and so sweet !

So to make my chocolates as available as possible to a wider audience I choose to use sweeteners such as monk fruit, dates, mesquite and stevia versus coconut palm sugar or any other sugar. Because then people who are sensitive to sugars can also enjoy the yummy sweetness without the spiked blood sugars. I Believe Treats these days can be made as Powerful Medicinal Food.
The dessert or sweet experience can be really nourishing and good for you.

This is why I love to create as I do. Not sacrificing the quality, instead choosing the best most preferred ingredients. Organic, Raw and Activated with Nutrients !